Sunday, August 3, 2008


You may be wondering why this blog is up. It is here to inform people, most likely up and coming bands on MySpace about Illumina Records. A "records and promotions" company operating out of Beverly, MA. I am a former employee of the company and I'd like to describe to you exactly what I did. Since I no longer work there I won't be able to add anything new to this blog. If you have had experiences with them, though, I encourage you to post so that others may see the true story, whether I am wrong or not.
I was required to bring my own laptop computer and use my own cell phone to even get the job. The office I was in was filled with 25-30 cubicles where every one of the "A & R Representatives" or "Event Coordinators" or "Sales People" or "Promotions and Marketing Coordinators" worked.
For absolutely no pay I was required to be in the office for 8 to 8.5 hours. Depending on what "promotion" was out to "help" local bands gain exposure I would send out a form letter, simply filling in my name and number and changing my position title accordingly. We were given a region, told to pick a letter A-Z in that region and then e-mail or message every band on MySpace with our offer.
Sometimes the offer would be for a festival, where the bands paid to play in it. Now, it could very well be that there would be a large crowd at the events as Illumina promised, but the rest of the "promotion" really amounted to nothing. The "exposure" they promised, while possibly helpful, in some way, went out to people who probably didn't listen to the music of the bands trying to make headway in the industry. We were never informed of who was getting what, etc. or how any distribution of a particular bands' music was determined. Frankly there were just too many for any band to get any real attention.
I do know that the owner of the company, Ron Bellanti, was in no way interested in the bands; I'm not even sure he was really into music. We sought none of them out for talent, only for their money. In "sales meetings" which were usually an excuse for Bellanti to scream and treat everyone in the room less than human, Bellanti said constantly that all he cared about was making money. He referred to this as "motivation" for the salespeople like me since we would only be paid if we made a sale even though we provided our own equipment and were required to work 5-6 days a week. He often referred to interns openly as "slave labor." In truth, we were all slaves. Bellanti would rip things off walls, kick chairs and insult everybody, and then have the audacity to call this "leadership."
"I'm here to lead you" he would say "I don't care about you, all I want to do is win, I don't care if you have a life" and on and on and on.
His advice to us in the sales room was basically to lie and bully potential clients into accepting whatever package was being offered, as he bullied everyone in the company. He
said, for example, that one approach he used to make a sale was simply to talk loudly and excessively over the client until the client simply agreed. I could go on and on.
The main point I wish to get accross here to potential bands or potential future employees (by the way, if you apply don't worry, you will get hired) is that this company doesn't care about its clients or employees, it has no goal, no semblance of quality, no standards, it's just a money-making machine for Bellanti. I'm not sure if maybe he wants the money now so that one day he may be truly legitimate, I suppose that's possible. But all I saw was a masked con-game. This is not a REAL music company or agency that can give you anything more than a weekend gig. For example, if you buy CD's from them they will deliver the product but they won't improve the sound quality or anything. So if you're already recording your own stuff then you know the equipment, just go to Staples, get a CD spindle and burn and distribute them yourself (You'd have to distribute them yourself if Illumina did it anyway). It's not like your stuff is going to be mixed or mastered by these dickheads. That would require Bellanti to spend money rather than rip you off.
The music guide? Not nearly worth $250-300. The magazine? "Cusp" Has anyone ever heard of it? I mean if you're involved in the music biz you should have. I hadn't, I 've got no idea who reads it, or if there is a subscription to it, or how large the subscription really is or anything.
One last thing: Ground Control, the drunk driving prevention campaign. Maybe Bellanti feels strongly about it, I'm not sure but he but he never, ever mentioned it while I was there. Given everything else I witnessed at the place I can't help but wonder if it is in place to give him a non-profit status for tax purposes. Just a thought.


Zack Martin said...

I would like for you to contact me. I am preparing a class action lawsuit against his "charitable organization".

Please message me your contact information.

Much appreciated,
Zack Martin
Ripped Off Musician

Anonymous said...

I had an experienc with illumina, they contacted me twice. the first time, i was asked to participate in a show and i followed thru. i talked to somebody breifly but the show was never confirmed. I kept calling back but nobody answered me. and the 2nd time i was contacted was for the same reason but i realized i wouldnt want to do business with somebody who blantanly ignored me the first time. I did get the jist that it may ahve been a scam, although it never got to the point where they asked me for any money. i geuss i got lucky. but i do hope sumeone brings these guys down. they seem like a waste of everyones time.

Anonymous said...

My name is Justin and I'm the guitarist/founder of a metal band called "BY DEMONS BE DRIVEN" ( I just received the form letter from Illumina Records today. I did some research on them and instantly found these links:

The last post on that site (before the ones i just left) had the exact form letter from the exact same "person" that I had received... verbatim. I replied the above links to their myspace haha. Good luck with your lawsuit... these guys are scum.

Midwest Blessed said...

WOW! I would like to thank you for making this blog. My group Midwest Blessed recieved the messages from illumina records and right off the bat we were very skeptical. I googled the company's name and found tons of blogs that are filled with pissed off artists. This has confirmed my suspicion and I am so glad someone made this blog.

p.s. Zack you should google illumina records and you can find tons of bands that may benifit you. Good luck. If you do get some good money start a real music company!

RedVendetta said...

Illumina records is the biggest Scam company in New England. I don't even want to get into it... Just Please... Do yourselves a favor... DON'T GET INVOLVED WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was recently looking for a job on , when I came across an ad looking for PR people for a record company in Beverly MA.
My first reaction was to apply, which I did. I thought that it was odd that a record comapny would be looking for employees over Craigslist, but figured what the hell. I also thought it was odd that the company was out of Beverly MA ( I live 20 minutes from Beverly, and it is not a great location for a record company because Beverly has no music scene and it is 45 minutes outside of Allston and Boston which is where the heart of the local music scene resides)

The company recieved my resume, and attempted to contact me, but I missed the call. I called them back, but no one answered. No secretary, just a very shady voice mail box.
I reread their post on Craigslist, and I noticed that they had a few different posts looking for emplyoees, which was another red flag, Why Can't a Record COmapny Find Employees?

after researching i found this blog, as well as blogs from other bands, and now know that this place is a scam.

thanks for the heads up. I'd love to know more about them.

Contact me.

E said...
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Zack Martin said...

Then contact my attorney Dan Campbell at 417-679-6033 and "resolve" my 600.00 loss to your company.


Illumina Records said...

Blogspot Bloggers,

Over the past three years our company Illumina Records and Promotions has worked to promote America’s unsigned bands and to prevent teenage drunk driving accidents. During that time period we have released one hundred and eighty-seven hard copy compilation CD’s, twenty-two digital compilation CD’s, promoted over one thousand musicians through live concert events and created promotional materials for thousands more. Illumina has always chosen to focus on the positive. To be truthful we typically have ignored blogs such as this one. Today we have said enough is enough. We work hard and value our artists too much to simply allow these types of comments to go unanswered.

While we are firm believers of free speech, we can not turn a blinds eye to the slanderous and defamatory comments posted on this blog. We would like to address the allegations presented by posting various newspaper articles and quotes from satisfied bands and former employees / former interns in order to refute the outlandish claims. Furthermore, we will provide testimonials from public officials and school administration heads praising Illumina Records and Promotions’ role in preventing teenage drunk driving. These successes will be posted here in an effort to provide balanced information for musicians who visit this site.
With the large amount of performers that we have done business with there are sure to be some unsatisfied customers. We welcome these clients to contact us so we can resolve any issues.

The Staff of Illumina Records

Illumina Records said...
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Illumina Records said...

My name is Mike Weigelt and I have been an intern at Illumina Records and Promotions for six months. This is months longer than any person who is posting negatively on this blog has had a relationship with Illumima. I will rebuke some slander from those who cannot hold their tongues but choose to spend their days writing lies and ignorant part-truths about something they have not taken the time to understand.

Generally speaking, the music industry has changed. This is something that many local artists either refuse to believe or lack the capacity to fathom. Many bands don't believe that you should ever pay to play. Guess what, (band of name?) paid to play at Ozzfest in (year of performance?). No matter which music company you approach or what type of service they offer you, it will not be a for free. If anyone can tell me where to get free professional photos taken, please let us all know. If anyone can tell me where to have someone design my website or my CD graphics for free, I would be glad to know more. Someone please tell me where I can find a company to print my face on concert tickets for my shows, for free.

If artists want to promote themselves and retain the rights to their music they come see us. They don't go to SONY so that their product can be mass distributed across the country and while yielding relatively little fruit to those who created the music. Illumina Records and Promotions works with young artists who are self motivated and we give them stepping stones to get their careers started. Let me ask you this though: does Michael Phelps get gold metals by sitting around on blogs? No. Michael Phelps swims every day, he plans training sessions, and he meets with his sponsors; he is constantly moving. Now let's apply this theory to a band or a solo artist. Did Jay-Z create his dynasty by blogging? No. What Jay-Z did was promote himself and his music through every form of media he could find: CDs, album art, posters, MySpace pages, radio, music stores, MTV, local clubs. We offer artists assistance and motivation to do all of these things that Jay-Z did. If a band decides that they want to laugh at the opportunity and to stay put then it is their decision to post blogs as those who hustle and work to promote themselves run laps around them, fighting for a chance at glory.

Now in regard to the family at Illumina: we are real. The President Ron Bellanti is like my uncle and VP Niki is like my sister. These are good people making an honest living and providing countless artists with the tools that they need to seriously pursue their passion for music. It is unfortunate that some young kids, with too much time on their hands, who have over glorified daydreams of their own artistic value and an archaic idea of the music industry, choose to slander honest people. The 'former employees' of our company who choose to post negatively here are clearly those who don't fit in here; and to be brutally honest, if they don't fit in here, then you can be sure they will have trouble fitting in anywhere and have probably never fit in anywhere before. We are not responsible for other peoples' insecurities and shortcomings and I advise any of the people who follow what these misfits say to step back and use their rational minds.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Looking forward,

P.S. Forgive me for being so brief. Allow me to make a final comment. Some bloggers have complained that they received a 'cookie-cutter' email and were upset about it. This type of email is widely used throughout all modern industries and it is a marketing tool that has been proven to be extremely effective. Receiving an email that advertises a company's services gives the recipient a chance to decide if they are interested with no obligation to respond. This is a tool that replaces an annoying telephone call. When a company like Geico contacts potential clients there is not a team of writers for custom emails to each person. Does that make Geico a scam or a fake insurance company? Nobody is upset with Geico for using a mass email strategy. Perhaps this has to do with the mindset of the demographics that each company targets. We are in the music business and our target audience is very fragmented in its beliefs. One of these principles that has been expounded in these negative blogs is the belief that if an artist is talented they should never have to pay for anything but a music company should put them on stage, give them photo shoots, and make T-shirts with their faces on them, all at no charge. If we are to follow the logic of these negative bloggers then we are led to the conclusion that they themselves do not possess musical talent, as I imagine they are not getting free concerts at the Madison Square Garden (or even the House of Blues for that matter). Looking through a psychological lens at the situation on CD baby, it should be clear that the slander which appears here is the result of an self-destructive inferiority complex: bands who have never done business with us go onto CD baby as therapy for the fact that they will not make it in the industry instead of taking advantage of the tools we offer them which could potentially remedy their feelings of self-doubt as they make progress with their music careers. Like I said before, Michael Phelps and Jay-Z are not successful because of their excessive blogging. They are huge because they made something of themselves. Let us help you make something of yourself.

Thanks again.

Illumina Records said...

My name is Catherine and today is my last day interning at Illumina Records I have been working in the Illumina P.R. department for the past 5 months. Coincidently, this week we began working on the negative posts on the cd baby website and have been trying to figure out a solution. I happen to come across this above post from a former intern and I couldn’t disagree more with what she said. It has been a truly unique experience working at Illumina. Ron really does value what we think as interns and I have been working directly with him and Niki. I have never seen Ron treat a young woman disrespectfully. Actually, is seems that he embraces their professional talent. I spent a lot of time in the office I have taken the pubic relations skills I acquired during my college years at Salem State College and was able to directly apply them to the work I’ve been doing here.

Illumina Records said...

My name is Keri and I recently completed my internship at Illumina. I have been reading a lot of comments that this is a scam. And I feel I should put my input on this. I was a PR intern for the Spring 09 semester. My main project for my time at Illumina was a Vegas Rockers for Life CD. This was a FREE CD that I put together. I contacted all the bands, yes using myspace where I could hear the music and make my selections. Social Media Networks such as Myspace are a fabulous, easy way to reach hundreds of people. Every business uses Social Media Networks there’s nothing wrong with it. Illumina gave me the ability to complete a really awesome project, helped me gain experience, and let me have full control of the entire whole project. I thought the project was great I listened to some great music, found some really awesome bands, and hope I will help them get their music out to as many people as I can. And hope everyone who is involved with my project is pleased with the results.
While completing this project I did have a lot of people ask if this was a scam. And I explained the project in more detail. I explained that this particular project wasn’t going to cost them any money. They had nothing to lose. Illumina does have projects that do cost money; this is a business they can’t give everything away. But they make their prices reasonable and usually made it that bands can break out even by selling all their tickets or CDs. To me this all makes sense, pay a start up fee for a spot in a show or for the production of the CDs, receive them, then sell all of them, result this project cost no money and your music is heard by hundreds.
Instead of assuming it’s a scam, talk to the guys at Illumina. They would be happy to explain all this to anyone. Ron cares about his company and isn’t looking to steal money from anyone. He’s good at getting music by local artists out to the fans. So take a chance and give him a shot!!
I have been working for Illumina for about 5 months and have recently seen the negative comments from a very small group of past interns. I personally disagree. My internship was a great learning experience I had the ability to work on a numerous projects and use all types of skills. Illumina Records isn’t a school and isn’t here to teach me the basics of PR. Instead Illumina gave me a chance to show what I have learned in my courses and prove myself. My internship has given me confidence that I will be successful in the PR industry. It was a great experience, the atmosphere, the projects, and the whole staff. I would recommend this internship; it really let me see what I am capable of.

Illumina Records said...

Words from an Illumina PR intern,

From the second I walked into Illumina I felt a sense of welcome and opportunity. I think anyone who has anything bad to say about their work at Illumina may have had the wrong expectations. It is not Columbia or Sony . Although they are professional and enjoy their work the reality is it's a small company with a lot of will. As far as personal experience , from my first day they had me working with bands, helping promote them and working on the marketing of there products. If I ever had a question everyone was more then happy to answer it and at times the CEO even brought us to his home for lunch on his nickel. As a intern I didn't do any trash picking, coffee getting , errand running. I was hands on with event planning and promotion as well as national PR campaigns. The CEO of the company was always there to give great insight to everyone and being brutally honest about the situations of the record industry and Illumina itself. I appreciated that honesty. As for the bands with Illumina I know from direct experience that many of the bands that pay for Illumina’s service’s expect that they will become Aerosmith off of a $600 product. Just like many people in this world , people will blame anyone else for there lack of success except for themselves.. Its just sad that the only blogs online about Illumina are from bored bands that have essentially given up on themselves and are looking for a place blame . I notice that the bands that are successfull while using Illumina services don't have time to write negative blogs because they are continuing on there success and STILL working hard , while still working with Illumina when needed. My message to those reading any of these blogs is think about who is writing negative thoughts and if they are even credible. At the end of day maybe the kid at the end of the bench on the basketball team is going to wine about an unfair coach or team but at the same time there may be a reason he wasn’t playing the game in the first place.

Illumina Records said...
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Illumina Records said...
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Zack Martin said...

You make me sick. Especially Ron with his "charity". I'm sure you are within your legal rights from an outside glance (though unethical to say the least) but what you don't know is the folder I have, chalk full of information that you don't know is public. Again, my attorney would be happy to settle with you for my 600.00 back. Also, I bet you didn't know that I modified the contract sent to me, and had it signed and notarized. These other poor individuals may not have clear legal recourse, but I assure you beyond the shadow of a doubt that I certainly have legal remedy, due to my contractual negotiation.
Furthermore, to reinforce what everybody has said here, take a look for yourself:

THIS IS A LINK TO THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU, SHOWING THAT THEY HAVE AN "F" RATING. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET AN F RATING FROM THEM?!! I process all complaints filed against the company I work simply have to respond most of the time, to get the complaint administratively resolved. They even have "unresolved" complaints. Not to mention complaints filed with the Federal Trade Commision, Attorney General's Office, and other consumer protection organizations.

Bottom line, you WILL not get what you want from this company..they will phrase their contracts to keep them out of hot water legally, but you still have the right to file a civil suit in your own state and make venue claim. Take this tip, sue them for violation of RICO statutes...and if you play your cards right, you will be awarded "treble damages" since they are operating unethically, and are fully aware of it.

Funny that the other labels you've actually heard of (sony/bmg, EMI, etc) have a better rating, and deal with far more upset customers and disgruntled employees.

Don't let them lead you on, just because they are playing the confidence trick. By making an appearance on this forum to combat the negative reviews of their company, they hope that it will take credibility away from each complaint.


Illumina Records said...
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Zack Martin said...

I have an email sent to my inbox whenever you reply to the original comment. That is the reason for the quick reply (I apologize that I actually know how to respond to emails, unlike Ms. Nicole Van Eden)...besides...isn't that kind of irrelevant? You just keep on defending yourselves...I'd expect you to, since you don't have an overwhelmingly positive reputation to begin with. I have your logo and poster on my page b/c that is ALL I ever got from you all. You bet I'm gonna use your namesake to try and at least get a little bit of credit. Also, I didn't edit my own myspace page, and I haven't changed it since the time your logo was put up.. frankly I don't even use myspace that often anymore, with the exception of checking my inbox. Either way, ALL YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO DO IS GOOGLE THEIR NAME, AND LISTEN TO THE COMPLAINTS OF ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD DEALINGS WITH THEIR COMPANY.

I am sure you DO have some rapport with city agencies and schools. Who doesn't like a company that is running a charity for a good cause. The concern is that that charity is registered through the secretary of state, as being at a little halfway house that Ron lived in as little as 4 years ago. Odd that somebody who is such a big player in the music biz (for the last 20 years) would be stuck in a 200.00 per month housing arrangement. Even the landlord Richard told me that he was a scheme runner. So how do you go from being broke-ass, to CEO of iLLUMINA RECORDS?!

That is the BBB link for the charity GROUND CONTROL AWARENESS. You will notice that they are registered as only having 2 (TWO) employees. Yeah, must be a really affective organization. Perhaps because he only fronts the charity through iLLUMINA records, which is FOR PROFIT..seems like a loophole to me. I'd like to see some documents produced that show the money I spent, or ANY money that you have collected, has actually gone to this charity.

Also, the story goes that Ron held a dying girl in his arms that was the victim of a drunk driving accident. I certainly couldn't find any documents showing when that incident happened. Do you happen to have a date this incident happened, that way we can verify it with the police agency of that city/state? I bet not...and i bet you will say "we aren't going to waste our time defending such allegations".

The reason I haven't sued you yet is simple, and somewhat frustrating. I don't have a way to Massachusetts. I'm trying to obtain venue claim (which means you would be required to have an attorney on retainer in greene county, mo. Also, you misquoted me. I had stated that OTHERS MAY NOT HAVE AS EASY OF A TIME SUING, BECAUSE YOUR ORIGINAL CONTRACT IS PRETTY TIGHT. I WORKED OUT WITH ANDREW CLEAK (THE SALES REP THAT SOLD ME, THEN QUIT) A DIFFERENT CONTRACT, AND I BET HE DIDN'T GET IT APPROVED THROUGH HIS "MANAGER". THEY ARE ALL JUST SALESPEOPLE, LOOKING FOR A SALE. THAT IS PLAIN AND SIMPLE. (especially since they are commission only (according to a few ex employees and interns), which is not legal unless they are 1099 employees. I wonder if they are?)

They have been equated with A&R Select, another common music industry scam. For crying out loud, type "illumina records" into google, and don't hit enter. You should see a drop-down list showing the most FREQUENTLY searched terms that are related. You know what the first one is? ILLUMINA RECORDS SCAM. So, I ask you illumina, why your website isn't the first result, or anything other than the fact that you are a scam? You have angered tooooo many people to effectively cover your tracks. I wouldn't be surprised to see you all operating under a DBA within the next 5 years.

and how exactly was he tirelessly promoting this charity with only 2 employees....i mean, illumina records is a start up company at best. So what was before that? Another scam? Another front?

..and PLEASE don't try and say that I am one of the LESS talented artists you have worked with, and that THAT is the reason for my complaint. YOU MESSAGED ME originally with your form letter about how "great" my songs were, and that you would like to help me with a shot at fame. Nice attempt at a cop out explanation.

My complaint is that I paid your company 600.00 (which was required to be by debit card, not credit card, presumably b/c it is harder to dispute charges on a debit card), and I didn't receive anywhere near 600.00 worth of services or product. I got 50 terrible cd's that I couldn't even GIVE away, let alone sell to recoup my money invested. I didn't get them until after 90 days from the date I paid. You will notice that most banks only allow you to dispute charges up to 90 days. Coincidence? I think not. It insures that they get paid.

Even after asking around, it had nothing to do with the talent of the bands that made people not want the cd's, but that the cd's wouldn't play at an equal volume level, and blew the speaker out of a friends car b/c one track had such a high mixdown volume in comparison to the track before it.

I had attempted to set up an escrow account to begin with, that way I would be guaranteed a quality produced product, and iLLUMINA refused of course, demanding payment soon as "time was running out". They even went so far to tell me that all the spots were filled, but that they would be able to "fit me in" to an extra slot. Typical HIGH PRESSURE SALES. THAT IS NOT SOMETHING ANY OTHER EFFECTIVE PR COMPANY DOES. Too damn bad I fell for it. My only goal is to get my own money back, and warn others that they will most likely have the same experience that I have had.

Back to saying that I'm just a lesser talented musician that feels like i got shafted: Margot McDonald is your little poster child, and not only does she have a terribly produced album, she has her voice OVER RUN with effects to compensate for the fact that she is mediocre in the studio. She's decent, and would probably be a lot further along if she had signed to a legit label that actually has promotion power. Thing is, I could sing the fucking pants off Ms. McDonald, with all due respect to her abilities.



after checking that out, and i'm definitely not trying to be conceited, don't YOU think I should have gotten a little bit farther with 600.00? I mean, I got a crappy poster TEMPLATE, not an actual poster...some terrible cd's that couldn't be given away...and...well remind me if there was anything else. Oh yeah, the electronic press kit..which was a total joke because it was for all 15 artists on the cd...I can't use that to promote myself? Are you kidding!?

Anyway, I'm not here to save face, and you obviously are iLLUMINA. You say you aren't concerned with the negative review with a nationally respected agency that reports on the business practices of companies (BBB), yet you are SOOOO concerned about my complaint...I find that to be quite the anomaly. I mean, you DO realize that people consult with the BBB before doing business with companies right? So why hurt your sales so much?

That is like saying "yes america, we have pissed off tons of people. 12 of which have filed formal complaints in just the last 36 months, and we don't really care. they can screw off."

So keep on trucking, and taking artist's hard earned money whilst providing SUB PAR products and services. For crying out loud you didn't even volumize or compress, let alone master, the ROCKERS FOR LIFE cd's. And when I offered to pay you for the 4 cd's I managed to pass of to people, and return the rest for my money back, you refused. WHAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!! I mean, it's not like you paid for the labor involved since you scavage off of interns that will do the graphic design for free. So what do you expect when you have a no refund, no returns policy (which isn't in writing in your contract, even in it's original form)??? Of course you will have disgruntled customers. At the time, (and i'm not sure how your policies have changed with the onset of so many complaints) there was NO customer service department.

With all due respect, I wish that you would SUE ME, for slander and defamatory actions. It would be easy for you right? Just file a civil suit based on "TORT OF DEFAMATION" It would then be waaaay easier for me to counter sue, then obtain venue claim.

But no, you would rather defend yourself the simple, no strings attached spending the time you should be working on helping your "artists", replying to blogs online about how you do just the opposite of that. What department does that responsibility belong to? haha. The "save face against customer complaints since we don't attempt to resolve any issues through the BBB or any other internal department" department?

So come on, I dare you. We'll see who the disgruntled party is then!
If you need my attorney's address to send a formal letter, I'm happy to give it. And the number isn't disconnected you idiots. It is a cell phone so you can contact him at any time. That number ONE MORE TIME, is 417-379-6033. I assume he won't answer his personal phone if he is in the office. He'll get back, trust me. Be sure to leave a message. But to be honest, as his client, I would request that you send everything in writing..but you won't i'm sure.

So why not just cut me a check for my 600.00? I'll stop interrupting your scam after that. I would be happy to even have that put in writing and notarized. Please don't take that as a form of extortion, I am just simply saying that I would be no longer angry at you if I were to receive my money back. Then all the people that were planning on working for you, but found my blog and decided against it, all the artists that message me, thanking me for the fair warning...will go away...and you'll make more money. I have deterred more than 600.00 worth of business apparently..for you to be responding to this. Seems like the most effective way to resolve this would be to simply cut me a refund check.

If you want to negotiate a refund, you are welcome to email me at

no spam please.

Zack Martin

Illumina Records said...

Well our little Friend Zack is Back!

In all seriousness we could not pay someone to be this helpful. This will be the last time that we answer him directly as we are have other things to do but we will take this last opportunity to set the record straight. As usual Zach is off with his little conspiracy theories.

Lets put a few of those to bed.

YESTERDAY Zack said that our drunk driving campaign was fake…TODAY Zack says that of course we have rapport with city agencies and schools. Because as Zack says” who doesn’t like a company with a good cause”

YESTERDAY Zack said we were terrible…TODAY Zack says of course he wants to use our namesake to get credit.

YESTERDAY Zack said he had legal recourse…TODAY Zack says he cant get to Massaachusetts.

As and usual Zach is off with his little conspiracy theories.

Lets put a few of those to bed.

For starters 86 South Broadway is a multi use building on one of the busiest street in Lawrence MA. IT IS A MULTI-USE BUILDING!!! When Ground Control was founded there were about thirty apartments. There was a florist. And there was a plumbing supply company located in that very business. And it is not and was not a halfway house. When you register any business in the commonwealth it has to go under a heading and “alcoholism-info-and-treatment-centers” was the one selected. You know we provide “info” about alcohol. And yes there are only two employees listed. You don’t list everyone who works with/for you on the form. HUNDREDS of people have worked with us on this cause. And we don’t front anything. And today you will see what we spend the money on. When TALENTED BANDS get noticed through our efforts they get on the radio. They play big shows. They play out of state shows. They appear on television. We did all that for Zack…BUT NOBODY WAS INTERESTED. Lots of bands sign deals with labels and PR firms. And most of the time nothing happens. It is not the labels fault if their clients receive no press. It is not the labels fault if the public doesn’t like the music. But today you will ALL see what was done with our campaign.

As for Ron’s reasons we are NOT going to say what we aren’t going to waste our time Zach…We are going to say that you are a tasteless and crass individual who has the audacity to think that we will exploit a young girls name to a crybaby like you.

They have been equated with A&R Select, another common music industry scam. For crying out loud, type "illumina records" into google, and don't hit enter. You should see a drop-down list showing the most FREQUENTLY searched terms that are related. You know what the first one is? ILLUMINA RECORDS SCAM. So, I ask you illumina, why your website isn't the first result, or anything other than the fact that you are a scam? You have angered tooooo many people to effectively cover your tracks. I wouldn't be surprised to see you all operating under a DBA within the next 5 years.

Moving on Zach say he is surprised that we haven’t changes our name. Well I guess we could change our “DBA” (Zach REALLY loves the legal lingo) but we DID do business with twelve thousand musicians. And again while we are sure that you can find some other people that have so few fans they couldn’t sell their CD’s and some bands that couldn’t sell thirty tickets to a show, we think we will keep moving forward with our name intact. Nobody’s perfect but hey we are trying out best to do the right thing.

And again Zach asks how Ron tirelessly promotes drunk driving awareness with two only two employees well we just don’t know what he is talking about…AND NIETHER DOES ZACH!!!

Zach says that he couldn’t give away the CD’s. We gave him. Zach says we offered him a shot at fame? He says that the CD’s were terrible. Zach says we do not accept credit cards…a lie! And yes the CD’s take from 60 to 90 days to get sent out…(To be truthful some took longer) But that is because it takes a while for the twenty-plus bands to send in their music.

And if anyone believes that a CD being improperly equalized can BLOW OUT SPEAKERS they have to also be told that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus don’t exist either.

As for us setting up escrow accounts for Zack all we can say is this kid crazy? He purchased a six hundred dollar product. Perhaps this young man would like to meet with Burger King’s banker the next time he purchases a Whopper.

And Zach proves that he is nothing but a liar when he says that all he wants is his money and to warn other people so they wont experience what he has. For starters if Zach Martin cared about other bands why would he PROUDLY PROCLAIM HIS ASSOCIATION WITH ILLUMINA FOR ANY BAND TO SEE?...IF YOU WERE IN ANOTHER BAND AND YOU WENT TO ZACHS PAGE YOU WOULD THINK ZACH LOVES ILLUMINA.

And Zach wants to know why we don’t just fix things with the BBB in order to help our sales.

And sorry Zach…we are not here to save face. We are sick and tired of self-centered little failures who cannot sell 50 CD’s to their friends spending their time destroying a good cause. Face the facts Zack…you couldn’t sell fifty CD’s to raise awareness for a drunk driving cause. And we have no intention of suing you. You have become the poster child for crybabies who don’t have fifty family members and friends that will buy your music.
Please keep posting here. We will NOT respond back to you directly as, and you are correct, we are simply to busy.

For those of you who want the truth here is it. The staff at Illumina is the first to admit that we are not perfect. We have however worked very hard to promote our acts. We also have worked hard to be a fun place to work. Below you can see the truth.


Nicole Van Eden
“Illumina is an amazing place to work. It’s an amazing feeling to know you’re working for a company that makes a difference in the world. I not only discover local bands and help them achieve their dreams, but save lives in the process. This is the first time in my life that everyday I wake up and WANT to go to work!”

Jennifer Beliveau
“My name is Jennifer Beliveau, and I am the Vice President of Design at Illumina. I have been working with Illumina since day one, and I have seen the effectiveness of what we do touch the lives of so many people. With the help of others, we are making a stand against drunk driving, and saving lives. Just think, it could be your life we save next. Everyone at Illumina is doing great things, for a great cause, and I am proud to be a part of this team.”

Chris Roberts
“I'm part of the web team here at Illumina. It's a great environment, everyone is friendly, it really does feel like a family and I'm glad to be a part of it. Our work goes towards a great cause. I actually enjoy coming into work everyday.”

Sarah Meyers
“I started as a graphics intern last February and in two months I was promoted to H&R Director. Now I also run the internship program. At Illumina I don’t feel like another gear in a big machine. My ideas and opinions matter in this company, my voice is heard. As an artist, I thrive in the creative and fun environment Illumina provides. I love my job and I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

Julie Lavargna

"I started at Illumina as a Public Relations intern and now I work in the label department. I track bands that sign to Illumina, collect materials, and keep in constant contact with all of our artists. Not only do I love what I do, but I love being involved ion preventing drunk driving.

Anthony Iafrate

As a promotional coordinator i began signing bands my first week. I love music and helping up-and-coming musicians promote nationally. It is a great feeling to empower artists and bands and help create social change while doing itCelina Natola, PR Intern "During my internship at Illumina, I've seen how a team of people can combine their individual skills to create successful projects for a good cause. I've never seen such systematic teamwork and I know that will influence my ability to work with others in the future. The environment at Illumina is so friendly and comfortable that I've felt right at home since the very beginning. I'd be very hard pressed to find an internship experience as fulfilling as this one."

Kimberly Faust, Graphic Intern, "I work in the graphics department at Illumina Records. Right off the bat I was thrown right in the middle of all the hype and excitement of the music business. To make the experience even more rewarding, everything we do is helping save the lives of people all across the country. I could not be more thankful for the opportunities that have been made available to me through this company."

Caroline Larson, PR Intern "I think it is safe to say that I have learned more at Illumina Records in one week than I ever could during a typical college semester. Having the President of the company, Ron Bellanti, so attainable to us really makes Illumina feel like a close, fun family. The atmosphere in the office is very important around here – Where else can you wear your sweats to work? Hear your coworkers laughing constantly?"

Thomas Arm, PR Intern "In today's job market no one will hire you without previous experience. Illumina Records gave me the experience and helped me sharpen my skills to impress companies everywhere. The better I do, the more high-level the work becomes and this is the perfect mechanism for personal growth. This growth is supported by an experienced and motivated staff that has truly fostered an environment for success. This internship has paid me in something better than money, experience."

Laura Leone, PR Intern "My projects throughout the summer consist of: searching for bands, clubs/venues, to book shows, and researched national music festivals, and book local bands we manage at a stage. In addition to all, I also assisted Ron at two photo shoots and a videoshoot. My experience with Illumina Records has been an amazing experience."

Jen LaVita, Graphic Intern "Illumina has given me the opportunity to combing me two most favorite legal things: music and art. Find me another job where you can create awesome things and listen to music all day. The most rewarding part is that what I make is for real use and important causes. It was been a great and fun experience. Rock on."

Jake Walsh, PR Intern "Illumina Records has been a great experience. Illumina has given me the opportunity to work on several different projects. Every day I'm learning something new. The music business id fast-paces and fun, but also very casual. My boss' name if Ron, not Mr. Bellanti. I wear jeans and a hoodie to work, not a suit. When you've been in "college mode" for four years, Illuming is a nice transition into the business world."

Ben Ambrogi, Graphic Intern "Illumina has given me a chance to do what I love on a professional level. I design graphics that are put to use in posters and album covers and build a resume for myself. All the while, I get an opportunity to work with interesting people in the music industry. Illumina is both a lot of fun, and a great experience."

Peter Faylor, Graphic Intern "I worked at Illumina Records in the Graphics department and the experience was great. I gained experience and knowledge while designing CD covers and posters for local bands and events. Working here has helped the development of my portfolio significantly. An added bonus is that it's all for a good cause, Drunk driving prevention."

Nicole Trunfio, PR Intern "From the first day I started I feel like this has been an amazing opportunity. My experience has is unlike other internships, I have not once gotten coffee or made copies, they have given me the opportunity to get a hands on feel for different aspects of the music industry. Already this internship has been so rewarding, still the best part is knowing that I am now part of a company who uses music to save lives!"

Hey, our bands DO get media attention!


Before The Rise was featured in the Nashua Telegraph
To read this article click the link below.

Broken 34:18 was featured on
To read this article click the link below.

Perish Hill was featured in The Charger Bulletin
To read this article click the link below.

Providence Rockers For Life Compilation was featured in the Providence Phoenix
To read this article click the link below.

Edson was featured in the Lynden Tribune
To read this article click the link below.

Illumina Records promotes our bands and their music. As a result of her association with the Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign, Margot MacDonald appeared on NECN in Boston, MA. The Washington DC artist performed live and was interviewed by newscasters Mike Nikitas and Karen Meyers.
To see more click the link below.

As a result of her association with the Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign, Margot MacDonald, of Washington DC, performed at a sold out theater at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, VA.
To see more click the link below.

Illumina promotes their bands and their music. Limited Sight, of Springfield, MA played a packed Ground Control and 1Loud Street LIVE benefit show at the Cask’n Flagon on March 13th, 2009.
To see more click the link below.

Illumina promotes their bands and their music. Before the Rise of Manchester, NH played a packed Ground Control and 1Loud Street LIVE benefit show at Milly’s Tavern in Manchester, NH.
To see more click the link below.

Hey, we're real! Music Business Professionals work with us!


Supertramp guitar player Marty Walsh has been working with Illumina President Ron Bellanti for four years. He as assisted with Illumina’s charity concert events and produced various Illumina artists. Mr. Walsh, an instructor at the Berklee College of Music, has also worked with Leann Rimes, Donna Summer, and John Fogarty.
To see more click the link below.

Illumina Records and the Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign use music as a vehicle to raise awareness. Ground Control held a benefit show at Brookline High on October 10, 2008. The event was a huge success with over 900 students attending the show.
To see more click the link below.

Tiffany Johnson received a mayoral certificate at a ceremony in Lawrence, MA. Among the people who honored Tiffany were Parthum School Principal, Sharman Sullivan, Superintendent of Schools, Wilfrado Laboy, Mayor, Michael Sullivan, and Illumina President, Ron Bellanti. The Salem, NH singer/songwriter was recognized for her performances in Illumina’s annual Christmas benefit show.
To see more click the link below.

Radio Personality SPAZ, of WAAF's Hill Man Morning Show, has appeared at multiple 1Loud Street LIVE Music Festivals, at the ADC Center, in Southbridge, MA. Said SPAZ, "WAAF both applauds and supports the talented musicians and Ground Control for promoting such a worthy cause."
To see more click the link below.

Illumina Records promotes our bands and their music. As a result of her association with the Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign, Tiffany Johnson performed to a packed house at the Parthum School in Lawrence, MA.
To see more click the link below.

Illumina promoted a live show series called the 1Loud Street LIVE Music Festivals at the ADC Center in Southbridge, MA. In the past year Illumina has promoted live shows for over 700 bands from across the Northeast. Seth Loconto, General Manager of the ADC Center said, “These guys are a well oiled machine…they are top notch show promoters.”
To see more click the link below.

Hey, we're real! Bands visit our office!


Manny Alcantara, of Lynn, MA, visited the Illumina office in Beverly, MA on April 13th, 2009.
To see more click the link below.

Riverside of Philadelphia, PA, visited Illumina President Ron Bellanti in Boston on April 7th, 2007.
To see more click the link below.

The Nigerian artist, Doggext, visited the Illumina office in Beverly, MA, on March 6th, 2009. The Nigerian artist is seen here with Illumina President Ron Bellanti.
To see more click the link below.

Safiro E.M.P. of Lawrence, Massachusetts visited the Illumina office in Beverly, MA, on December 12, 2008.
To see more click the link below.

Your Boy Ellz visited the Illumina Office in Beverly, MA on October 28, 2008.
To see more click the link below.

Zack Martin said...

Clearly it is pointless to keep posting here.

My last note is for people to simply look closely at all details when dealing with this company. As I said, I was ripped off. Thank you iLLUMINA for showing YOUR ass by simply replying with about smearing. You are right, I am simply a talentless musician, with no following...and I will always be alone. (except for the 2,812 cd's i have sold myself, and the countless checks i have gotten for selling my music through myspace). Talk about lying. You can't quit lying since your entire organization if full of shit. No legitimate company would allow their employee to post online and call upset customers "cry-babies"'ve got alot to learn you nameless son of a bitch.

I do have talent. I have had nothing but positive feedback from ANYONE I have ever played in front of.

YOU DID NOT PROMOTE ME as you swear you did. I contacted EVERY radio station that is local in both Springfield, MO, and even Kansas City...they had never ever, ever, heard of iLLUMINA RECORDS. Yet you supposedly sent promotional materials to them with regard to my name.
Here in Springfield, they told me you were a scam as well! Any idea why an unaffiliated company would smear you?

My final note is for you to fuck off! Calling me a crybaby?! I am simply pissed because no matter what you fucking say, you did NOT provide the services you guaranteed. Your shitty little fucking sales rep Andrew Cleak TOLD me that you don't accept credit cards. So if you want to call me a liar, perhaps you should pull his employee record and give him a call.

I'm done. Fuck Off.

If anybody has sincere questions about my experience, I would be happy to provide a non-biased account of what happened. Then you can decide for yourself.

Just remember, if they lied to me, and countless others..what is it that would lend any credibility to these posts they are making??

Trying to undermine my character is ALL you bitches can do. Great job at staying professional.

With love,


Illumina Records said...

Dear Zack,

This is from Ron Bellanti. And for those who don’t know me I am the president of Illumina Records and the Founder of the Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign. In the past week my staff has gone on the web and has dealt with several blogs that were full of lies and twisted half-truths. We have had many of these blogs removed from the web due the dishonesty that most of the people displayed regarding what we do for our acts. In other cases the despicable comments that many people posted were stomach churning. My staff has begged me to allow them to show the world that we do a good job and that the majority of the neighs Sayers were not our customers or worse people that didn’t experience the success they expected from their musical careers. These staffers take their jobs very seriously and they are simply fed up with all the lies. And all the ridiculous conspiracy theories…well all I can say is WOW!

In the past few days I have seen my staff provide comprehensive and irrefutable truth regarding your statements about Illumina and about me. To be honest Zack I am a pretty tough guy. You’re not capable of hurting my feelings. And I you have not affected our business a single iota. We have received about a dozen emails today about your posts and all of them are convinced that it is sour grapes. I have instructed my staff to NOT pick on you any longer.

Anyway what’s past is past. And I am going to move forward. I am truly sorry that you were unhappy with our service. And with that in mind I am going to extend a peace offering to you. The way that you handle this offering of kindness will be instrumental in identifying whether you want results or if you want to continue to complain. This offer will not cost you a penny. And I will personally take the money that this offer will cost Illumina out of my own pocket. But before I move forward I beseech you to not confuse this kindness and goodwill with any fear or weakness on my behalf. I am doing this because I think that perhaps you feel like you really didn’t get a good deal and I want to fix this. Not because I am afraid of you but because I am a good guy. If you turn around and try to twist this offer around in any way it will expose you as a wannabe complainer. If you graciously accept this offer (as you should) then perhaps you and I can work together in a more harmonious fashion.

Here is my offer.


I will manufacture fifty CD’s of YOUR MUSIC for you.

I will ship these discs to you.

I will place an advertisement for this CD on the homepage of the Illumina Records website.

I will include one of your songs on a CD to be digitally released to two hundred thousand people.

I will create and send to you a poster and a banner to your Myspace page.

I will email all this to every radio station and newspaper in Missouri.

I will personally contact your hometown newspaper and tell them that you are using your music to prevent drunk driving fatalities.

All you need to do is send us the artwork camera ready and your music already mastered.

Zack this will be the final attempt from me to placate you as a customer. I will NOT refund your money to you, as I don’t have to. I am doing this to show you that I do care about our customers. This is a one-time offer and it is non-negotiable. And if you so choose you may feel free to disregard this. But be clear on this son.


And by the way,if for some reason you feel that I am making this offer because I fear legal action think again.I routinely eat some of the biggest entertainment attorneys in New York, LA, and Nashville for breakfast. Threaten us again with lawsuits all you wish but i have done nothing wrong or illegal. In the end I will make your lawyer with the disconnected phone wish he died of a childhood illness.

Do the right thing and contact our office. It is your choice.


Ronald Bellanti

Unknown said...

All I see in response from this "label" is a bunch of excuses and thinly-veiled insults implying that people who are not satisfied with them are talentless hacks with axes to grind.

I particularly enjoyed the excuse they gave RE: the BBB. "We got tired of responding." You know it's not hard to master a form letter, as they have proven with their form letters to bands they pick as easy marks. It's not like each request from the BBB would be something unique and esoteric. It's the same questions that require the same answers.

If you can't be bothered to compose a stock reply to BBB requests, then perhaps you should stop trying to sham musicians out of their money. We all know that they are a pool of people that get taken advantage of quite easily. Promise them a chance to play in front of a lot of people, suggest that "industry reps" will be around, and count your money.

Shame on you for your hucksterism. Even worse that you try to shroud it in a charity. You are not much better than televangelists selling vials of "miracle water" on late-night television.

By the way, I went to some of your many sites, and you would think a successful "label" could afford to do something other than plaster "coming soon" on the Cusp Magazine site and the 1LoudStreet site.

The fleecing continues.

I also enjoyed the quality of the $199 promo pics.


I had written this and was going to post it before I saw today's exchange. Your counters to his claims are ridiculous. You show pictures of people standing next to you. Congratulations. There are no real photos of the office, however, as most of them are a white backdrop. That's not very convincing.

I also suspected for some time that Bellanti was the one responding on here under the facade of "staff members." I'm convinced now after reading his personal address to you that I was correct. His replies certainly fit the profile of the person described by the originator of this blog.

Statements like "I'm not afraid of you," "To be honest Zack I am a pretty tough guy," and "I routinely eat some of the biggest entertainment attorneys in New York, LA, and Nashville for breakfast," is classic passive-aggressive bravado. It's also downright disgraceful for the "CEO" of a company to speak in this manner. I know my fair share of entertainment lawyers, and I doubt seriously that you take on scores of them and come out unscathed.

The most alarming thing about that, however, is that you are forced to routinely eat entertainment lawyers for breakfast. If your braggadocio is true, then that means you are also routinely called into litigation, which is definitely not a good sign for your company.

Also, your "one-time only" offer is merely a cheap tactic to try and make this person appear in a bad light if they refuse. It was your responsibility to provide him with quality service in the beginning. Let me put it this way: If I took my car to a repair shop, and they took my money up front and only did a fraction of the work, I would not accept the offer of allowing them to finish the work. I would demand a refund and seek another repair shop.

It is obvious that your "company" exists in a gray area that allows you to exploit susceptible musicians.

Despite all of this, despite your miserable standing with the BBB, despite your condescending replies that were no doubt designed to make this person lose their composure, there is one thing in your replies that ensures that I will never choose to work with you:

"I will NOT refund your money to you, as I don’t have to."

What a childish and immature thing to say. It would be one thing to reply with something to the effect of "I feel that we honored our contract with you," but you didn't. You basically said "I am not LEGALLY OBLIGATED to refund your money, so I will not." The difference is obvious.

As an aside, if you were truly running a non-profit organization, you would NOT be fleecing artists for these cd's. All the money for the production and distribution should (and would) come from the proceeds of your charity work.* If it is necessary for artists to provide compensation to help produce these materials and promote the shows, you would inform them up front that they would need to contribute a donation.

I can understand you wanting to avoid that sort of language at all costs, as that would reveal that what you are doing is nothing more than a variant of what you see televangelists doing late at night:


For the record, our myspace account has had multiple messages sent to us from Illumina Records, as well as numerous other "pay to play" scam artists. Myspace has become a haven for hucksters, and has become a wasteland for the independent artist.

*The band I perform with has been on a compilation cd produced by a local newspaper for a charity event. The cost? Zero. All the costs were incurred by the organizers, and were off-set by the proceeds from the event.

Illumina Records said...

We are Back!!!

As promised yesterday we will NOT engage people directly but if anyone is following we have another great conspiracy theorist out there.

CONSPIRACY ONE- CUSP AND 1LOUD ST ARE NOT UP-Robert wants to know what’s behind the great conspiracy of CUSP and 1LOUD ST not actually being up and running on the web




Anyway if you want to know the truth and see what we really do for our bands click on the links above. While some people want to say we do nothing for our acts we clearly showed you above that we have done things for our acts. And we only showed you the tip of the iceberg. There will be lots more coming.


We are a business that exists today that would have been totally unnecessary a decade ago. Ten years ago the ONLY artists that required national PR help were bands that were signed to national labels or a large indie label. Today bands can record their music without a label paying for it. And they can distribute their music the same way as any national act does by putting thir songs up on itunes. The KEY difference is the majors have PR people doing this for them and the local guys don’t.

Look the days of bands not paying for PR is over. You can go it alone of course. We offer an alternative to that. if you want to build your own drum set and make your own guitar strings you can do that as well. Otherwise we sell PR just like Gibson sells guitars. We create and produce PR campaigns and sell them just like the local studio sells and creates studio time and music. What we do is NOT for everyone. But for those of you who want to employ and deploy marketing plans that work then all you have to do is call us.

And Robert didn’t think we were very professional yesterday…Sorry! But we are having fun here.

PS: Robert…SHHHH!!!! Jimmy Hoffa is buried under our office. When you find him he will be holding the Lindbergh baby. And both the grassy knoll and area 51 are REALLY us…lol


Unknown said...

I think you need to consult a dictionary, Bellanti, because I think you have the word "conspiracy" confused for something else.

It's not a conspiracy to say your Cusp and 1LoudStreet sites are garbage. That's just a declaration of shoddy work.

It's also not a conspiracy to say that your photos don't reveal anything about your office other than the fact that people exist there. I never said they were faked, I'm saying that it reveals nothing. It seems that you thrive on smoke and mirrors, anyway.

I've seen what you do for bands. You collect 600 bucks from each band to include a song on a compilation cd that you mail out to your marks. Then you send press releases to news outlets about drunk driving benefit shows, which of course means the bands perform for free. When you can be bothered, you occasionally slap them up on your frontpage template Cusp site for a little while.

Is that worth over half a grand? Absolutely not.

I'd like to see one example of you actually providing some sort of real pr support for a touring band. Setting up these little benefits doesn't really do anything to help these bands.

As for Jimmy Hoffa, maybe that would explain the stink coming out of Beverly, MA.

Hey, if exploiting people allows you to sleep at night, then that's your business. But perhaps you should provide more transparency in what it is you REALLY offer for your $600.

If you did that, however, most people would laugh you off the phone.

Illumina Records said...

Hello Blog Spotters

We are back again. Upon checking the blog it is good to see that the great conspiracy dude is back!

Once again Robert is hung up on the fact that the photos we have put up don’t reveal enough to him for him to be sure that our staff and office exist. Robert says that they are not faked but that we thrive on “smoke and mirrors”

Robert also says that he has “Seen what we do for bands”…Once again the little investigator has the facts wrong. CSI ROBERT didn’t do his homework at all.






Like it or not CSI ROBERT, the supply of unsigned bands in America today FAR exceeds the demand. The days are long over where just being in a band meant you could succeed on a local level. Bands have to separate themselves from the pack. That’s what Illumina does. In the past only bands with national recording contracts needed to have their music marketed nationally. That changed when recording got affordable and when bands could now produce high quality music close to home. Those changes were cemented when technology grew to the point where bands could distribute their music nationally. There was a time when only bands with national recording contracts could have their music in record stores across the country. There was a time when only bands with national recording contracts could have their music heard by a national audience. During those days EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE BANDS HAD PR ASSISTANCE. AND THEY ALL PAID FOR IT!!!!

Those days are now gone. Now any performer who wants can market their music nationally. Now any performer that wants can record and produce music anytime they so choose. And while today’s musicians have become quite good at recording and producing (its not only easy but its become an extension of the artist creativity) their own music they are NOT any better at promoting themselves as their 1970’s predecessors. That is why millions of talented musicians simply flounder. And that is where we come in.

It only takes a second reading CSI ROBERTS paranoid and incorrect postings to see that he is clinging to some old belief that a local bands music will ahve a lot of value as commerce. He is clearly offended that bands today have to pay to play. He is clearly offended that today’s bands are forced to commit financially to things that in some long forgotten time they SEEMED to get for nothing. The grim reality is that music is BOTH art AND commerce. And in that reality those two things are separate. It doesn’t matter how good you may or may not be, if you cannot sell units and tickets than you are not going to be effective as business entity. Club owners couldn’t care less how talented you are…its all about the cover charge and the amount of food and drinks that are sold.Night clubs are NOT museums and neither are concert halls. Live Nation doesn’t care what kind of melodies you can string together…they care about how many tickets you can sell. Rolling Stone does not care if you are Metallica or Sheryl Crow or Ashlee Simpson…they ONLY care how many magazines you can sell. And if ANYBODY who is considering music as a career thinks that ANY record label on the planet is NOT concerned with units sold first and foremost then its time to reconsider you business choices.


If you do not accept the following premise then you will probably not get far in the music world. And that premise is as follows. Music is a lot of wonderful things, but it is also a product. If you want to make a living doing music you must act like every other start-up business in the world. And that means you must promote and advertise your product.

Long gone are the days where clubs simply pay you as a performer to entertain their customers. In most cases you must have the ability to CREATE the customers for the venue. in today's Music Business the biggest bands in the world participate in the pay to play system. National level bands PAY to perform at OZFEST ($75,000 in some cases) and the Warped Tour and CrueFest. The band Korn this summer is playing a tour that is featuring local bands paying to play. The bands on the Korn tour all have the ability to re-coup their costs by selling tickets. This bothers the Roberts of the world. But the reality is these bands are paying to advertise their products like every other company in the world. No one forces Budweiser to advertise during NFL games all fall and no one forces these bands to pay to play these shows either. If a band has a following and works hard then they can play in front of a large crowd with a national act. They can receive pr by performing the show and they can create pr by playing at the show. They can make new fans.

When bands play one of our shows we often times make them sell tickets. If they can sell thirty tickets they not only break even…but they make money as well. If a band cannot sell thirty tickets then why should we work with them? If a band from Boston wants to play in front of a crowd in Maine and expand their fan base why should the venue simply allow them to come into their facility and advertise their product for free. Life just doesn’t work that way. Do you think the New York Giants let Budweiser advertise in the Meadowlands because Bud is really good? Do you think that Seinfeld allowed Ford to advertise their cars for free? We all know that they didn’t.

In days gone by bands that were not signed did not need to pay to advertise. Now they have to spend money to make money. Unless a band is a proven draw or can sell a certain amount of units then they have to build up their fan base and brand. And that costs money.

For an investment of six hundred dollars bands that work with us receive the following.

50 ad agency quality CD’s of THEIR MUSIC!

A song spot on a digital compilation CD that features thirty other bands from their home state. This is sent out to over a quarter of a million people.

Illumina contacts their hometown newspaper.

Illumina sends out a press release to every media outlet in their state.

Illumina creates a Myspace page that feature direct links to the band and sends it out to over a quarter of a million people

We build them an individualized press kit. Which they can use whenever they wish for whatever they wish

We compose a band biography for them. Which they can use whenever they wish for whatever they wish

And we send their music to an industry insider’s list of over 1800 music business folks.

We create a Ground Control poster that features their likeness

They can promote a CD release party which we promote from our home offices and they coordinate on sight.

AND ALL THIS IS FREE…IF THE BAND CAN MARKET THEIR MUSIC TO FIFTY FANS. Yes the bands have to do some legwork for to make all of the above free. But if your in a band that cannot market fifty CD’s that feature your own music then you need to call


We wonder if that is transparent enough for Robert? And nobody is laughing at us? We signed up 43 new artists this week who are smart enough to see behind the lies and the little scared people who see little gremlins. We signed up over 150 musicians this week who realize that the days that Robert longs for are over. That if you sit around and do nothing then you become nothing. And if you cling to an antiquated set of mores that somehow ties your art to your money that you are done…before you ever started.


Caducas said...

I would like to start by saying I know nothing about the music industry or Illumina Records in general. The only reason I've stopped in here is because a friend of mine pointed me here to see an example of mental illness in action on the part of a company.

Having read the comments posted by this organization on this blog, I have to say...I'm fascinated.

There appears to be a deep insecurity on the part of the one posting; a need for approval and superiority that I would wager speaks to a deep childhood hurt that was never properly attended to.

When one reads these comments, there are definitely two different classifications to be found: Those posted by the CEO and those assigned by the CEO for posting. I am convinced from the tone and writing style that the second category is either heavily coached by Bellanti or drafted by him directly for posting by his employees. There are just far too many similarities in the writing styles.

If one can conclude that one person is behind all these posts, the mental trauma of this individual begins to become clear. We are seeing a man with a pathological need for the approval of others and their recognition of his superiority to them. So much so is this need that despite the fact that every post he makes on this blog further fuels the flames of this controversy, he can not stop himself from impotently responding.

Deep in his mind he must know that there is little he could say here that would change anybody's minds, and yet he can't help himself. Even when extending an "Olive Branch" to Zack he feels the need to strut and posture rendering his effort transparent to even the casual viewer.

So in conclusion I must suggest Mr Bellanti that you seek psychiatric help. The very apparent rejection or emasculation you must have experienced in your youth seems to have blossomed into a full fledged case of pathological superiority complex.

And find the strength to stop posting thinly veiled propaganda on blogs. You're only making things worse for yourself and your company. This self destructive cycle needs to stop, for your own sanity and well being sir.

Illumina Records said...

Good Morning Blog Spotters,

This is getting so fun. For the past two years it has been Illumina Records policy to ignore these blogs. Two weeks ago our company president said we could take the gloves off and start commenting in our defense. When we began to do so we were amazed at the number of lies and violent and sick comments posted on the site. What we really found amusing though were the Internet wack-jobs promoting their conspiracies. These people astounded us…and they made us laugh.

This blog in particular seems to be a haven for this category of blogger. The reason for that is there is no moderator on this page. In the past two weeks we simply contacted the moderators on all the other blogs and the blogs were removed. All we had to do was show the moderator the truth and the lies and half troths were taken down from the web.

But to be truthful we kind of hope this one stays up…

Before we go any further we want to thank this last poster for his analysis. This guy says that Ron is coaching us on what to say…or…wait a minute we smell a conspiracy... that it is actually Ron and ONLY Ron posting these comments...

Wow!...I think that over 10 people have posted comments from Illumina so far. So if your looking for work with the FBI as a writing profiler I would keep your day job. We all laughed so hard this morning regarding your psychoanalysis of Ron…Now THAT was hilarious!

Listen this goes out to all the “normal” people out there. For the past two years we have had people telling us in the unkind fashion that Ron didn’t care about them. Now this guy says that Ron has a pathological need for their approval.

We especially love his advice at the end of his post…TO STOP POSTING!!! It iwas amazing to us that people that we never even worked with have posted terrible things about the Ron and our staff. Want to know what’s even more amazing? That not a single time in two years did anyone casually come across a blog and analyze the posters that said they wanted to kill pay to play people…But anyway

For us this is just fun…

Last week a disgruntled musician was proven to be wrong about virtually everything he said about us. He said we did nothing and we put up fifty links that showed that we do lots of things for our acts.

Last week people saw what real people that really worked her thought about the experience…they could now see more than just what one failure who couldn’t do his job thought.

Last week a person questioned our commitment to drunk driving awareness promotion and we put up posts showing that to be a lie as well.

And while we were doing this we had the little conspiracy people standing on the sidelines analyzing HOW we were responding…It is hilarious! These little whiners are so pissed that we have proven them wrong that they are now forced to comment on HOW we describe what we do to them…They can see in black and white that the truth is we do work hard on behalf of our artists. So now they are focusing on HOW we are telling you WHAT we do…

We will close with this…nobody needs to worry about our business. It makes all the little people that post on blogs feel somehow bigger when they feel they are advising the companies they are tearing apart…Our Business is FINE. We know that there will always be haters out there. The people who cannot sell their music to even a small group of fans and the guys clinging to some long ago idea that they should get paid for their art just because THEY think its good.So you can stop making suggestions to us for our own good...You don't in any way have the power hurt us...

But thanks for calling Ron nuts…it gave us all a big laugh!!!


Zack Martin said...


I will ask you one time to stop referring to me as a failure, crybaby, and whatever foul shit comes out of your ridiculous minds.

I've ceased to post comments in regard to your operations, in consideration of Ron's offer. Are you trying to fuck that up?

So, with that being said, shut your mouths, you haven't proven shit.


Illumina Records said...

Wow!...It seems that Zack only likes these blogs when he gets to say what he wants and doesn’t get questioned. Zack we haven’t said anything that wasn’t true. We proved that what you said was false. We showed everyone what we did and all they had to do was click on a few links to see what Illumina has done on behalf of our bands. In the past two years you have called us name after name…in the past two years you have posted lie after lie…and in the past two years you have questioned our integrity and our commitment to saving young lives. Ron has told us NOT to mention your name on the web unless you do it first. But people that lie and smear us from this point on that it will not go unanswered. Nobody here cares if you post or not. And the offer from Ron is still standing…But our mouths will be wide open every time you threaten and swear at us…every time you call us names we will respond. And Zack…the posts after posts that provide all those links showing us with bands at big shows, in front of packed houses, in the set of TV stations, and with police officers and firefighters and doctors and principals and mayors…see those do prove something Zack…They prove that we do EXACTLY what you said we DIDN’T do. Those posts proved that we work hard for our artists and we care about our cause. YOU SAID WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING AND WE DID…it proved that you were either a liar or uninformed…Sorry Zack how does it feel to be on this end of things?


Zack Martin said...

Well, I can say that it is not worth 600.00. Nothing I got was worth 600.00. The graphic design was terrible on everything from the web content to the digital content for the posters... ( I could have done it myself with Microsoft Paint), I can say that the cd's were of minimal quality. I can say that none of the money I spent went to the Ground Control Charity (correct me if I am wrong). I can say that none of the media was contacted in my home town, or in Kansas City (the city who's compilation disc I was featured on). So, what "tools" did I receive? Where did my 600.00 give me an edge? Or a leg up on the competition?

It had nothing to do with me "not being talented enough to make it" or however else you want to put it. You provided an inferior product for more money than is reasonable. I am wondering if Ron's offer is worth it, as I didn't get anything for my efforts the first time. Though I'm sure iLLUMINA has more money and PR power now that it has progressed over the years.

I have sold more units to people that just stumble on my page from half way around the world, than what iLLUMINA has helped me sell. Why is that?

I also never received the interview questions, and i don't believe I was ever featured on the magazine as promised.

You can't hide that you up-sell your product. You dress it up, then barely sell anything worthwhile. I'm not smearing you, i'm speaking from personal experience. And i'm not just a disgruntled individual that had no luck with your product. Take it from the countless others, who had to turn to the BBB, AG's office, FTC, etc, just to get a half ass response from you. I had to post a blog threatening suit just to get a response in regard to customer service. Don't you think that is a fucked up way to go about business?

Luckily businesses aren't policed based on ethics. I emailed nicole van eden back when her title was something else, and she slowly stopped responding after I received the cd's.

I was courteous back then, didn't call names, investigate your practices, etc. It took your complete lack of customer service to get me to the point where I decided post these things online (alongside so many others)..and look what it got your attention.

Those shows (back when I signed on, when you were a fledgling company) were only put together in Massachusetts. As if I were going drive/fly halfway across the country with my own money, to play a single show.

My claim is not that you skipped altogether on providing services, you just overplayed what those services would do for ME, and to what degree of quality those services would be rendered.

You have no room to disagree with that. No matter how much you love to argue. That is why I would like my money back. I don't feel that is so much to ask. I'd be glad to return the unused cd's for credit. Why can't we simply do that, so we can both go about our own business?


Zack Martin said...


Illumina Records Staff said...

Good Morning Blogspotters,

Below is a link to an article that was written about a Colorado Hip Hop artist we are working with. This is what happens when you marry your music to a good cause like drunk driving prevention!!

Zack Martin said...

Right after the sob story:

"..Rodriguez submitted his recordings, made in his home studio, to Illumina Records where they will complete them by mixing down, mastering, pressing the disc, and making the inserts."

Prime example of the quality service I had expected, but never received.

And thank you for skipping over my last post.


drew laplante said...

wow. i definitely won't be responding to the myspace message i received from these guys...glad i did some research first. i can't imagine any legitimate record company's ceo having the time to personally respond at length and multiple times to a blog. typically, if it were truly slanderous/defamatory, they would have their attorney send a cease & desist letter and file a lawsuit. congrats, the responses alone and the unprofessional manner in which they were delivered have succeeded in proving the points of the musicians you've conned. best of luck to all you frustrated musicians!

live happy!!

peace-drew laplante

Zack Martin said...

Glad we were able to help Drew. Best of luck with your music!

Do It Yourself (DIY) is the way to go these days are more greedy than ever because of the economy. Especially the music biz b/c sales are down so much.

Anonymous said...

I first used the internet as a kindergartner in 1989, and never in my experience on the web have I come across a site that put such a smile on my face. I used to work with a band who was contacted by this "label" several years ago. Being young, inexperienced and thrilled at the opportunity to invest some money in my friend's band that I had been assured would pay off in spades - not to mention having been coerced by an apparently professional fast-talking scam artist. So, I made a verbal commitment over the phone to sign the band up for the "Rockers for Life" event/promotion. We, the band and I, soon realized that we might have committed to something not worthwhile and, without signing any documents, asked that we be allowed to rescind our application to the program and asked for our money back. That's when I got to meet the engaging, magnanimous and endlessly generous Ron Bellanti.

Before I continue, let me just tell our reader that this entire Illumina fiasco has become a running joke between me and the band. Anyway...

I got a call from our guitarist, a sweet and rather shy innocent from Grand Rapids, MI, and he's informed me that this charming fellow, Mr. Ron Bellanti, just gave him a tongue-lashing the likes of which he hadn't received, well, ever. As I said, he's a sweet, shy innocent. So, I called Ron up to discuss, and, pardon my French but, HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This lunatic went OFF. It was like someone over-acting in a B-movie. Giving me this and that about how I was taking money away from drunk driving victims and some sob story about holding a dying child in his arms after an accident. Did I mention that he threatened to destroy the band and make sure they never played another show and took every last penny from their spoiled pockets?!

(to be cont'd)

Anonymous said...


I feel strange posting this because I've since become a professional in the industry and have become able to sniff our a scam like this a mile away (thanks, Ron), but having stumbled upon this blog I feel compelled to play the part of the internet dork with the pent-up rage issues and vent. I also find it hilariously funny, really, that I get to share this precious moment in my and my friends' lives with so many interested parties.

So, he called himself the Empire State Building, calls me a crushed up Coke can in the gutter and gets me to send him $600. Again, in hindsight, absolutely hysterical. At the moment, I think this squirming toad made me shit my pants a little. So, about eight or nine months go by, this Illumina thing has blown over, they've stolen our money, no big deal. The interview, the hundred expertly-designed and manufactured CDs, the magazine cover, the sold-out showcase, nowhere to be found. One day, one beautiful, glimmering day! our package from Illumina turns up. It reminded me of my earliest Christmas memory: a shining red, metal tractor with the "Case" logo stamped on the side of the hood. We open the box and it shined so bright we nearly went blind. It was the mystery case from Pulp Fiction.

Well, not quite, actually. There were the CDs. I have to gather myself to keep from laughing about these CDs. If Christopher Guest made a movie about an aging rocker who attempts to start a fledgling record label from his basement, I think his CDs would have more visual appeal than these. Reader, I tell you, laughable. Lowest common denominator. Just enough to skate by and claim that they fulfilled their promise of printing you a certain number of CDs.

And that was it. Just a simple little scam. Who knows if the money went to drunk driving awareness? Who cares. This squat little toad Bellanti runs a chop-shop and he knows it. I wonder if he's got an empty office space somewhere in Salem (the town over, right?) with phone lines wired in in preparation for a rapid evacuation in the case of a federal raid. You've all seen Boiler Room, right? Anyway, that's my story. Mr. Bellanti, I can only assume you will respond to this one your self because, after all, you are such a personable and scrupulous businessman, you couldn't have an enraged, mid-day blogger like me sully your sterling reputation with such slander, with such filth. Ha ha, eat shit Bellanti, the jig is up.

drbibbo said...

I have been doing the music thing for a long time, working hard self promoting and dealing with every level of reputable and sketchy companies. before the online promotional implosion. Fact is Promotion services cost money and there are some good ones out there but they don't need to solicit bands.leg work, word of mouth and endless performance and networking. a sh*ty band doesn't get better because 1800 copies of their cd end up in an overfilled plastic recycling bin at a radio station. the industry has changed quite a bit,and it's sad that more people make money ripping off bands, than the bands make themselves. If you're better than good and do the work, things will happen and you'll know real meaningful promotion by their clients and results.

drbibbo said...

I have been doing the music thing for a long time, working hard self promoting and dealing with every level of reputable and sketchy companies. before the online promotional implosion. Fact is Promotion services cost money and there are some good ones out there but they don't need to solicit bands.leg work, word of mouth and endless performance and networking. a sh*ty band doesn't get better because 1800 copies of their cd end up in an overfilled plastic recycling bin at a radio station. the industry has changed quite a bit,and it's sad that more people make money ripping off bands, than the bands make themselves. If you're better than good and do the work, things will happen and you'll know real meaningful promotion by their clients and results.

Unknown said...

I noticed a lack of responses from the "illumina staff" over the past few days.

Guess Bellanti is too busy saving the world to come clean about his scam.

Zack Martin said...

I noticed the same thing. Plenty of "ammo" for them, so I'm not sure why they aren't responding...perhaps they originally thought responding would make us stop posting...then found out they were they are simply "letting it be". Good thing is, they must be losing tons of business...this isn't the only blog that they have responded fact, the other blog states that all the complaints are from people who have never done business with them...which is crap because my whole complaint has to do with them ripping me off (having done business with them). Ron must be rich from this operation though..depending of what their over head is.

Anonymous said...

i also interned at illumina and left after a week once i realized exactly how sleazy illumina records is. i agree with everything this poster said.

illumina finds bands by having interns search myspace by letter and state (i.e. an assignment might be to search every band in missouri that starts with the letter r) and send the same form letter copying and pasting the band's name and one of their song that the intern isn't actually supposed to listen to. the form letter says the intern is actually the vice president of illumina who really loved "insert song here". so, if you're a band who got one of these messages, be sure that no one actually listened to your song.

ron bellanti badmouths his bands, makes it quite clear that he only cares about money, and bullies his employees into submission.

self-respecting musicians, steer clear.

one of my assignments as an intern was to create positive press about illumina online to counter all the negative information that's out there about them. of course i left once i realized i couldn't find anything good to say, but the point is, keep posting the truth, these blogs do actually make a difference. every time someone comments, this blog comes up higher on the google search.

Anonymous said...

wow, when i first posted, i hadn't realized how often the Illumina Staff attempts to defend itself on here.

since when does a legitimate record company need to defend itself?

also, don't most legitimate record companies have talented artists who people have heard of?

margot macdonald is cute, sure, but she's all they have and she's not much. on that note, ron bellasshole regularly badmouthed her during the few days i spent interning there. he called her a "spoiled little tramp" and said he was thinking of getting rid of her. if i knew how to contact her, i'd let her know about that one.

Zack Martin said...

I would like to take back the negative comments geared toward Margot McDonald. I've had somebody enlighten me that her affiliation with illumina was only about as deep as the rest of the musicians. I had assumed originally that she was under Ron's wing.

Sorry Marot.


metal said...


please do NOT take bellanti up on his offer! it is less than worthless. he has zero credibility in the legitimate music business. and any association with him will only discredit you down the line. for this reason i implore you to take off the illumina references from your sites. really, you are far too talented. it will only credit illumina which in turn will bring you shame and embarrassment.

i know you didn't get what you paid for. only the handful of bands that bellanti has personally befriended do, thus assuring him a handful of "happy" clients to put up on display. the rest are like cattle and mean absolutely nothing to him once he has their dollars in his pocket.

bellanti considers himself a marketing genius. and he is when it comes to marketing himself as a great marketer. for him that defines success. and not the fact that the marketing he sells you is completely ineffectual unless your fan base consists of other myspace bands that have been duped by his pyramid scheme.

the fact that he posts such completely whacked out blogs like this to defend his company only prove that this company is clueless when it comes to PR. and he thinks he’s proved his point. wtf?? why the hell would anyone want to pay him for PR?! he clearly doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. illumina is run by a delusional tyrant that staffs scores of unpaid inexperienced interns that are as hungry to get ahead as the musicians it scams. the psychoanalysis by caducas was dead on.

i’m disheartened that cd baby took down their thread. let’s start it back up. and keep on blogging dudes. if not here then on your own myspaces. tell your friends and your friends’ friends.

btw do you all know why illumina suddenly became so active to shut down these blogs? it’s because their wikipedia page is being threatened with deletion because of these scam blogs. and this one was specifically sited.

Unknown said...

If that's the case, then I am proud to have participated.

This scam is so ugly.

metal said...
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Cabrio said...

Take it from me and my band, we were royally fucked out of $500 last year on their launch program.

First off, we were offered a spot on their launch campaign for $500 and we spoke with representatives at Illumina and everything sounded great, very sound and there was a brief contract involved which we even had our lawyer look over and there was no way they were going to legally be able to steal royalties from us etc.

Two weeks into the campaign, the Myspace they created for each launch program mysteriously disapeared (at the time, the myspace had 500 friends on it's list, a little hard to believe when they claim to have sent out 100,000 friend requests nationwide). Sure enough, after 4 weeks, now half way through the campaign, a new myspace was created, and no friend requests were ever sent out.

At this point, I was very frustrated with Illumina and had recently found out that they had offered this same Launch Campaign to other bands at the same time as us for $300, that's $200 less than we paid. I called the offices in Beverly, Massachusetts and was actually able to speak with the "president" Ron Bellanti. At first he seemed like a nice guy, and offered us some other featured spots on their website and things of the like to compensate for the "confusion" in which we were charged two hundred dollars more than everyone else. He gave me the direct number to his office, and told me to call if I had anymore concerns.

At this point, I was very skeptical of Illumina, and wondered if they had done anything else the agreement offered. After the 90 day Launch Program was ended, I took it upon myself to call several of the labels (indie and major), radio stations, news stations etc. that they "claimed" to have contacts at and guaranteed that our EPK and information would be delivered to. Every single one of the people I contacted said they had never even heard of Illumina Records, and they were very sorry that we had been scammed.

Needless to say, I called Mr. Bellanti again, and expressed this concern and told him that we would expect a refund if they could not furnish proof that they had in fact fulfilled every aspect of the contract. Since that day, I have never been able to get anyone at Illumina Records to return my phone calls. If my band had the money to file a lawsuit against Illumina WE WOULD!!!

This said, "Cabrio" my band has had many good things happen to us in the last two years, we have released two albums which are available on iTunes, sold a thousand hard copies of these albums. Played a showcase for SPIN magazine in Dallas' Northpark Mall, appeared in the April 2008 issue of SPIN, and are currently slated to release another EP in January 2009. I can honestly say that ILLUMINA RECORDS DID NOT HELP US TO ACCOMPLISH ANY OF THESE THINGS!!! This was all work that the 6 of us have done on our own, FOR FREE, Illumina Records in my opinion is the epitome of a SCAM.

Last thing said, I do agree with you all that it is sick that Illumina falsely lures young acts into a sense of lull and accomplishment by latching the launch program with the Ground Control Drunk driving prevention program.


Thanks for reading this, I'm not an angry person, and in the music business the idea is to make friends, not enemies, but Illumina Records is not someone you want to make friends with.

David Wojciechowski said...

I had a job interview scheduled with Illumina Records for Wednesday morning. Needless to say, I came across this blog, and my trip to Beverly has been canceled.

I have been interning at a very small record label an hour north of New York City for the better part of a year now, and I can tell just from the way the president of the fucking company describes their operation that they are in no sense of the word a "record label." They seem to actually legitimately represent one artist and force artists to pay for their services.

A legitimate recording contract these days is typically an agreement between the label and the artist to produce an already produced album. While production costs generally fall on the artist, my general experience is that the label agrees to handle manufacturing, packaging AND distribution FOR FREE in exchange for a percentage of the profits, with an equal percentage going to the artist, generally with a small percentage going to the artist's manager. I know that I have a lot more to learn about the industry, but after one year (as compared to Ron's 20) I know that an artist being forced to pay $600 to send in their recordings only to have them be burned to 50 CDs and have to sell said CDs themselves is an insult. That's not a record label. That's a scam.

And using unsigned artists to promote an anti-drunk driving campaign? How is that an incentive? I'm all for preventing drunk driving, don't get me wrong, but all it is is good press. I'm a pretty average consumer and I know for a fact that I am no more likely to buy a CD from an artist who promotes Ground Control than I am to buy a CD from an artist that gets caught driving drunk. I listen to the music I like because it's good, not because it's associated with a great cause. Furthermore, if Illumina were serious about promoting their charity, they would look into bigger name artists for promotional purposes. Obviously there are plenty of talented unsigned artists, but far more people are going to pay attention to Bono than they are to Margot MacDonald. Way to aim high, guys.

David Wojciechowski said...

Whoops. In my last post it should read "an agreement to DISTRIBUTE an already produced album." What I said made no sense.

And, for clarity, yes, some artists like Springsteen and such who are wildly popular and will always sell millions of copies of their new albums have multi album contracts that have little oversight from the label in terms of the content of the album. (Aerosmith, for example, is currently producing the last album of a multi-album contract with Sony at the moment.) Not usually the case, though.

metal said...

zack -

maybe you haven’t greatly effected bellanti’s business because there’s always another sucker band lined up. it’s what he excels at. but you have saved a number of young bands from throwing their money away. kudos to you, bro.

cabrio -

I can tell you exactly why your Launch myspace disappeared. myspace deletes pages that fragrantly spam. And that’s the main focus of illumina’s PR campaign. maybe they send out 100,000 friend requests. but to no one who gives a fuck so they are not accepting those friend requests. granted, music fans listen to our music on myspace. but for the most part they are not logged into a myspace account. who is besides the under 12 set or other bands that don’t give a damn about your music. so how are they reaching anyone? answer is …drum roll please… they are NOT! then why do they do business this way? because it is FREE and costs them nothing. myspace is free and the interns are unpaid.

so that $600 or whatever you pay them pretty much goes into bellanti’s pocket. could legal action get your money back? probably. but it’ll cost you more than that $600. so it’s not worth the time and aggravation. and bellanti just laughs his way to the bank. yep, he is on to something. and since he doesn’t have a moral fiber in his body, all of this negativity just rolls off his back.

dave -

i am glad this blog helped you from making a horrible career mistake. but everyone keeps mentioning margot macdonald. look at her myspace:

it says she is UNSIGNED. and I don’t see any of those fine ground control posters that we all have paid for. i don’t know. she looks like an independent artist without an affiliation to illumina. her management is listed as marmac music. you’d think if she was his poster child that bellanti would be pushing her to their defense on these blogs. all of his staff and interns have been here. hmm, but none of his bands. i am thinking the young lady (she’s 17) figured it all out and has graciously moved on. i hope this is the case and wish her nothing but the best. she has a promising career if she stays away from these sharks.

Mo said...
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Mo said...
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Mo said...

I am here to defend Illumina's illustrious music mogul, Mr. Ronald Bellanti. Fellow artists, the man has 20 years industry experience!! OK, maybe 15 of those years were peddling merch but hey, everyone's got to start somewhere.

You should feel honored that Illumina’s top A&R VP-of-the-week has selected YOUR song, the first song on your MySpace music player no doubt, to be worthy of one of the selective spots on a Ground Control compilation CD. And that the president of the company himself has listened to your music and deems that it deserves national attention, a feat that his Launch campaign will provide for a mere $500. You have so much potential that you are even invited to have a coveted slot at one of his pay-to-play 1Loud Street Live! music festivals. After all, “if you are serious about your music,” you’ll hawk your Strat and send Bellanti all of your money.

So now your head is spinning with anticipation. Your band has struggled for so long. But finally you will get the exposure Illumina said you need. You’ve paid for it with money you don't have. But it’s an investment in your future! Only the three month campaign is suddenly over and absolutely nothing of any consequence whatsoever has happened. It seems that nobody has heard of you, much less heard from Illumina. How could this be when you had so much promise even before being featured in the 1Loud Music Guide? Of course it’s not Illumina’s fault if nobody took notice of your music. That’s beyond their control. Because, now that your check has cleared, you’ve apparently turned into talent less schmucks.

But not everyone can be a star, right? Bellanti has a knack for sniffing out top talent to add to Illumina’s prestigious roster. And when an artist receives a mayoral award for delivering his drunk driving spiel to kindergartners AND bears an uncanny resemblance to her uncle Ronnie, why should Illumina bother returning your whiny phone calls? They need to go throw out the red carpet for their VIP clients like "entertainment powerhouse" Tiffany Johnson, . Oh, check her out NOW!! Then you will understand just how unworthy you and your band really are. And maybe you will finally leave this poor guy alone. Bellanti knows what he’s doing. He has 20 years industry experience.

metal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
metal said...

THANK YOU MO! it’s nice to finally hear something positive about mr bellanti. really, the man is a saint. it’s a heart warming story and the smile you gave me is still frozen on my face. turn off that telenovella. the best storyline is right here on blogspot.

obviously you checked into the links bellanti offered us to back up that he’s a real music business professional. that must be how you unearthed illumina artist and entertainment powerhouse tiffany johnson. with all of their inhouse promotions and marketing expertise, i don’t know how they have kept this dazzling young singer under wraps.

this got me to thinking. since even LAUNCH couldn’t elevate my band out of obscurity, my music career must be bust. that means i now have a lot of time on my hands. it’s just not right for me to rest on my laurels and let you do all of the sleuthing, mo. so I will accept the challenge of researching some of bellanti’s "where out there” links. today i will tackle link #1:

"Supertramp guitar player Marty Walsh has been working with Illumina President Ron Bellanti for four years. He as assisted with Illumina’s charity concert events and produced various Illumina artists. Mr. Walsh, an instructor at the Berklee College of Music, has also worked with Leann Rimes, Donna Summer, and John Fogarty.
To see more click the link below. "

mr walsh does indeed have some credentials. though he was never actually a member of supertramp, walsh did play some guitar with them for a few years back in the 80s. his work with rimes, summer, and fogarty was more than likely as a studio musician. but he is an honest to goodness instructor at berklee. it is a fact that this music giant produced all 4 cds of illumina artist mega star tiffany johnson and even co-wrote with her. impressive. marty walsh should be proud of these career accomplishments. in addition to his international stage work with supertramp, walsh also plays in ms johnson’s band at the aforementioned illumina “charity” concert events, ie johnson’s annual holiday show at the parthum school in lawrence ma. these performancess were presented by the nationally known event production company, illumina concert events. yes sir, the same producers of our infamous 1Loud Street Live! music festivals. but i digress.

the onstage holiday magic was captured on the dvd classic: ground control presents tiffany kira johnson christmas @ tiffany’s LIVE. what better way to spread ground control’s drunk driving prevention message to elementary school students? To be fair, i’m sure this was a wonderful program for these inner city kids. could this be a glimmer of legitimacy for ground control? I was even excited for half a minute that my band’s dollars were contributing to an actual charity event. but then I was let down to learn that illumina was PAID HANDSOMELY to produce these shows by daddy johnson to showcase his daughter. big sigh. i am guessing that, with her private school education at phillips exeter, the content of her website was an extension of her ivy league college applications. not only does ms tiffany have blood ties to bellanti, but her daddy has deep pockets -- the #1 thing illumina looks for in an artist.

hats off to you, mr bellanti, for providing us with these most informative links.

Zack Martin said...

Haha, great job METAL! I just went back and read the posts again...jeez they suck. I removed all the content finally from my myspace page (after figuring out how) and I would like to take this time
TO FORMALLY DECLINE RON'S OFFER. You cheap skank of a man, I would pay 600.00 just to distract business from you, so consider us even.


Zack Martin said...

So..i checked out the "mayoral award" video on TIFFANY KIRA JOHNSON (JOHNSON..johnson...johnson) 's page, and man oh man. Is that even really the mayor? If so, kudos girl for getting an award...but it ain't sayin' much...cuz he seemed a little retarded. Well...alot retarded. So she is related to Bellanti huh? That's like involving your family in a weed deal about to go sour.

Zack Martin said...



"..This page has been deleted. The deletion log for the page is provided below for reference.

* 20:10, 8 June 2009 Flowerparty (talk | contribs) deleted "Illumina Records" ‎ (Expired PROD: The whole article in unencyclopedic. It is written from the first person, and the entire article is essentially a story advertising the group. A quick check reveals that it is more likely than not a scam, as the website has alm).."

you can find this at:

Keep posting, eventually they will all have to get other jobs.

Also, in hopes of getting more than one blog up on the top of google, I have created

Try and get your friends to post there, as well as here. This is like a grassroots movement.

MK said...

My band actually has worked with iLLUMINA RECORDS and their 1LOUD STREET LIVE! MUSIC FESTIVALS. We signed their contract and paid the $250 for a spot on stage and sold their tickets to break even. To anyone who’s thinking of doing the same, don’t waste your time with them. They are a joke. They don’t market your material and you won’t get any exposure other than playing a normal local venue. For all of the line items of their contract, I don’t think they really have met any of them. The honest truth is they’re just offering a bunch of naive no name bands a chance to feel important for a day. Nothing more, no offense. They never actually do anything. Worst part about it is, all the stuff they say they will do for you... You (the band) actually end up doing all the leg work (ie selling the tickets, posting the myspace ads and bulletins, getting people to go, general marketing). You know where your cost goes to? Not the drunk driving charity but to pay for all the ridiculous marketing materials they give you, the printed tickets and the same general poster everyone gets. Only reason we signed in the first place is a band member already paid before telling anyone. So we had to recoup the loss. Never again... If you wanna play a show go out and contact the venues yourself. As long as you have a little experience under your belt you'll get the main stage and you wont have to pay for it. You don’t need a bogus lying promotional company. Never got any promotional CDs, never saw the supposed promotional myspace ads, etc. Read their automated email below... All that stuff we sent them? Never went anywhere. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Got nothing other than the thrill of playing in front of our friends, which we could have done without them. This link below will pull up the contract, that you need to sign and fax to 617-395-2724 ASAP! www. 1loudstreet. com/musicfestivals/agreement2. pdf

MK said...

YOU HAVE 14 DAYS TO SEND IN THE FOLLOWING FOR THE FESTIVAL PROPGRAM BOOK AND MATERIALS: 1. A HARD COPY OF YOUR MUSIC. Please send in three songs to place in your digital jukebox. Although it is allowed, we prefer that your music is free of profanity, references to race or violence, or references that glorify drug or alcohol use. Send them over in the best file format that you have. Bands in the past have sent over their music in .wav, .mp3, and mpeg 4 (iTunes) formats. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR SONG TITLES ARE LABELED. 2. A COPY OF YOUR BAND’S PROMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Please send at least four (4) photos for us to use. You can send as many as you like but make sure that at least four (4) are sent. Please send them in jpeg, jpg form. Do not send me links to retrieve the photos. 3. A COPY OF YOUR BAND LOGO. Your band’s photographs and logo will be used to create your posters and program book, all advertisements for your band and your Drunk Driving Prevention Quote poster. Please send in jpeg, jpg form. Do not send me links to retrieve your logo. 4. ONE QUOTE FROM YOUR BAND. The quote should state your band’s feelings about drunk driving. This will be on a Promotional Poster that will be sent out to millions of potential fans with a direct link to your MySpace page. Send in word doc form, not doc x. 5. BAND BIO We need a bio of your band in a word document to add to your Promotional Program book Page as well as your 1Loud Street band profile page. Please send in word doc form, not doc x. 6. BAND NEWS AND YOUR ALBUM COVER ARTWORK AND LINK TO WHERE IT IS SOLD. If you have an album for sale, please let us know where it is sold (send an exact link) and send us an image of the cover. OR If you have news or publicity information about your band, please send it in a word document to create a banner for your page. Send in word doc form, not doc x. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS BANNER WILL NOT CHANGE SO ANY INFORMATION YOU GIVE WILL STAY ON YOUR MUSIC GUIDE PAGE FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR GUIDE. 7. YOUR MYSPACE AND/OR WEBSITE LINK. Please provide us with the web address you would like us to link to all your promotional materials to. Most bands use their MySpace link, but this is completely up to you. Wherever you’d like to receive the most traffic is the link you should send over. 9. PLEASE SHOW US THE PROPER WAY TO SPELL YOUR BAND NAME. This includes upper/lower case. Show us exactly the way you’d like your name to look on all promotional materials. Please try to have your materials in by 14 days to keep things going. If you do not have them in by then, it will be a much longer process to create the materials. Related to problems in the past, we do not have time to chase bands around looking for materials. It is to your benefit and in your best interest that your materials are in on time. However if you do not get them in your participation will only effect you. Please contact us should this situation arise. Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign has been created for several reasons. First and foremost, we want to save the lives of America ’s young people. We also want to create an extremely unique opportunity to use music to affect social change; to actually utilize the talents of our nation’s bands to save lives. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, the best way to reach us is via email at . In the event that you need to contact me immediately, you may call me at 978-922-5016. I will close with the following: in order to best serve you, I cannot stress enough the following point to you: YOU MUST SEND US ALL THE REQUESTED MATERIALS IN FOURTEEN DAYS. This is a proof of participation with the 1Loudstreet Live Music Festivals in the amount of $250. Once again, please respond to this email immediately to verify that it has been received. Sincerely, Nicole Van Eden VP/Director of Publicity Illumina Records/1loudstreet 978-922-5016 SAVING LIVES ONE SONG AT A TIME!

MK said...

They promised us all this promotional garbage which never happened... Gave us a crappy stage and a poor time slot. Awful experience. Have you been to their site? Don't you find it sketchy how the president is in EVERY band photo? What a nob. I never even saw him at the show but he some how snuck his ass into our pic. After we went through all that bull with them, we ended up rockin the place, and they had the balls to ask us to headline at the next event. Haha. We told em to screw. Heck with those guys man, iLLUMINA is garbage.

metal said...
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metal said...
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metal said...

iLLUMINA Records state:

“THE BANDS SAYING NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT US ON THE INTERNET ARE NOT OUR CLIENTS. In doing research, everything negative we’ve found about us on the web is not written by anyone with whom we’ve worked. A majority of the people expressing their opinions are actually uninformed; most of them have not contacted us to find out the details of our projects. Those uninformed tend to say that we are a scam; at this point in time we want to make it extremely clear that we are NOT A SCAM, and we are NOT a pay-to-play compilation CD project.”

Mr. Bellanti and company, I invite you to visit:

Let’s Talk iLLUMINA Records

Within 10 days Jazzy has become friends with over 300 of your clients. She has simply asked them to share -good or bad- their iLLUMINA experience to help new artists/bands make an informed decision.

iLLUMINA bands and prospective clients and employees:

This is an extremely insightful sight. Please share your experience on Jazzy’s MySpace if you have ever been involved with any of the following iLLUMINA projects. And please read all the posts if you are considering working for the company or have been solicited for any of the following iLLUMINA projects:

Ground Control
Rockers for Life
Hip Hop for Life
Hardcore for Life
1Loud Street
or any other iLLUMINA alias

And feel free to contact the bands on Jazzy’s MySpace directly. Even iLLUMINA’s trophy bands, ie the “happy” bands you see smiling on their website, have been invited to the networking forum. Just because a band has not been vocal on the blogs does not mean that they are satisfied customers. There are a lot of bands out there harboring very ill-feelings about ever getting involved with Ron Bellanti and iLLUMINA Records.

Anonymous said...

For the fledgling artist I believe Illumina to be a respectable step your career. It is very important that a person gets genuine recognition no matter what the source you've got to get out there. I was on two different city compilations and paid out the nose for 50 cds each (they were at least shrink wrapped), but in the end I contributed to a respectable project. If I had it to do all over again I wouldn't primarily based on the fact that I have larger projects in the works and can't afford it. I will tell you that I made my money back. I perform regularly in Indiana and sold 49 of the fifty cds for 5 bucks a pop and made $245, in the end I donated 55 dollars to illumina. The most important lesson one can learn from this is that writing music is true personal art but selling it and getting recognition is a business, treat it as such and you may get somewhere. I haven't yet but I'm working on it.

iLLUMINA_Talk said...

Cameron, respectability is the issue at hand. The name iLLUMINA Records has become a joke in the music industry. Too many of the bands who have become involved with them are now embarrassed by the association. They have distanced themselves from the company to regain respectability. So even if you are one of the lucky few who do not feel ripped off, beware of the iLLUMINA connection biting you in the ass as you go forward in your career. Even Before the Rise, with current worldwide and exclusive representation by Ron Bellanti and iLLUMINA Management, have not come forward in the company‘s defense.

No matter what excuses are given, why would anyone send their hard earned money to a company that has a BBB “F” rating? Or to a company that has so many irate customers that have to vent through these blogs? The marketing they sell is a system of internal websites. They boast that they have worked with thousands of bands but, when you go to their website, only a select few are visible. If you want true references, you should seek out the clients that have worked with them. And that is why I have turned my MySpace over as a place that everyone can share their iLLUMINA experience, good or bad. If you are considering working with this company, please visit my “Lets Talk iLLUMINA” MySpace first:

Also now on twitter:

Be informed and spend your money wisely!

Taternuts said...

I got their Myspace a little excited...googled "illumina records", read this blog...fuck those guys. thanks zack.

i'm a youtube artist anyways :D!

illumina records...garbage said...

they are garbage...they can't even answer their own fone line. When you leave a message you won't get a fone call back. they won't even contact you back through email. I have emailed them about some job i saw on craigslist. effin fakes man. this business is gonna flop soon if it already hasn't. garbaaage.

Anonymous said...

I found this page because an old friend of mine from high school currently plays in a band that ended up on one of illumina records' compilations, and I wanted to check out some of his music. I went to a website promoting that compilation and was kind of taken aback by the simplicity of the site. It definitely appeared amateurishly designed. Red flags instantly went up in my mind. When I searched for a main page for the company (on Google) I immediately discovered this blog.

I've read all of the blog entries and would just like to say, as an outsider looking in (and one who majored in business in college), that if illumina records truly believes they are being slandered & defamed by the contributors of this blog, then they should take them to court. Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt in a court of law that your business practices are 100% ethical. (A legitimate business would certainly have a vast legal department to accomplish this meanial task, correct?)

I, too, am a musician, and although I've never been accosted by illumina records, I, personally, wouldn't want anything to do with their company after reading their scathing responses to the contributors' accusations on this blog. The company's tone appears very condescending and unprofessional. Bottom line: The CEO of a legitimate company doesn't respond directly to ill-founded criticism. (Their legal dept. handles that task.)


Manus Obscura said...

Well, as an artist who could have possible been suckered into a scam I am first off embarassed if that is the case. However, I am not sure what to say about it.

I guess, if Illumina is reading this, I am going to have to say that all I have seen so far, is nothing. I have seen a "michigan" CD with some rather shitty quality artwork on it. First off, as much as I would support a cause like the one that is being said you are supporting, I don't really see the point of my band getting a notification about a CD that Manus Obscura isn't even on. There haven't been any notifications on how well the CD from our state has beeen going, and that worries me.

So...I'm torn, I'll give another month before I flip a lid. Keep in mind I do have a signed contract, it does have my signature, there is a reason I faxed it!

Zack Martin said...

Don't give them another month. Dispute the charges with your bank and/or credit card company before it is too late. Show your bank this blog and the wikipedia article that calls them a scam as well. Tell them they haven't provided their services in a timely or sufficient manner..good luck to you!

Unknown said...

I am the parent of Jose Castro and I've had a bad experience with Illimina Records.They also got me for $300 fot the drunk driving campaign.One I sent my money I haven't heard anything from them.I do plan on filing a class action lawsuit for the misuse of my credit card.Im glad they're being exposed.Please contact me at 2157584412.

Anonymous said...

I too was in a band ripped off by Illumina Records....I'm reaching out to anyone that works there or worked there that wants to make some really good money and get back at these assholes....

email me:

Anonymous said...

Man - my previous comment was before I actually read the posts here...Awesome thing is that this is all so recent - so I'm gonna stay tuned!

It's like 2:30pm on a Friday and I finish work in 1/2 hour - I've been glued to this blog for ages! This is SOOOOO entertaining!

Zack - is this your blog? Good on you man!

Oh - This is tough - I am really finding it hard to know what to say on here as all these posts are pretty well-worded and thought out...

I'm gonna keep it simple...Ron - Mate...You're a friggin' loser. You should have just stayed out of it from the start, but you've done WAY more harm than good by posting comments on here and (apparently) allowing your slaves to do the same.

I've worked with people like you in the past Ron....I know your type. You have a lot of stress in your life don't you? It seems you definitely have a guilty conscience about your scam of a business otherwise you wouldn't have been so vocal about proclaiming your innocence.

Anyway - I am just really happy that when you type in Illumina Records into Google - that this blog is option 2 on the list. Unfortunately Illumina are number one - but - I can see them getting taken over in due course.

It's about time people stood up to these 'pay to play' scams like Illumina and Emergenza....

Any bands reading this - my band was scammed - well..I was actually because I told my band that I would 'front' the money for their 'festival'....we'd actually done well at Emergenza so I thought this would be a similar thing. It's not - the festival sux - the venue sux - the photoshoot sux - It's a complete and utter waste of money!!!


Anyway - like I said in a previous post...if you're interested in promoting a product to other musicians that can actually benefit them - through an email - you stand to earn some great commissions through a product I'm about to put up on

Unknown said...

So far... I'm with Zack. I have already filed complaints to the attorney general of the state I live in and the state in which "Illumina Records" claims to reside. I have seen nothing of which they promised... I also haven't seen my $300 in 10 months... They were able to convince me by offering a larger outlet to help prevent drunk driving. My father has a 9 inch scar on his face, broke his neck and nearly died in a drunk driving accident. Way to use people's compassion and emotions to hook them into paying your salaries...


Zack Martin said...

Daniel, no this is not my blog, though I have contributed quite a bit to it. iLLUMINA hasn't really done anything lately with this, and that is most likely because through trial and error..they have realized that they are doing themselves no favors by responding to our complaints.
@Matthew, I am sorry to hear they suckered you in man. Good deal for filing a complaint with the AG's office. Keep calling them. The Attorney General dismisses a ton of stuff, and they base their cases off of "complaint volume", which means if there are alot of complaints, alot of people are getting scammed..and it is therefore worth the time and attention of the AG. Just try and be heard man, because this company deserves to fucking rot in hell.


Hello! Can I please just add one thing about MR. Ron BELLANTI!!!! All this talk of this Drunk driving campaine, non-profit bullshit.. LET ME JUST INFORM YOU ALL that I personally used to be in a relationship wit RONALD and HE IS in FACT a EX_ CRACK HEAD! How he has 20 YEARS in the industry is beyond me?! He SMOKED CRACK FOR 25 YEARS FOLKS! ***DON"T GIVE ILLUMINA OR ANY OTHER COMPANY RON RUNS YOUR $$ , IT IS ALL GOING IN HIS CRACK PIPE!*** He uses people, he is a con-artist.. this is all he is good at. TRUST ME! STAY AWAY! I feel terrible for all the people whom he has already scammed.. Poor INDIE bands looking for a big BREAK! He should rot in HELL!

Daniel and Margot said...

Holy crap - this blog is number one on Google if you type in 'Illumina Records'.....I said that would happen!!!

Dale Roberts said...
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Dale Roberts said...
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austin said...

Guys...don't be so mad that you suck. Record labels don't sign people if they don't make them money...get over your pissy shit...and improve your music, otherwise, what it sounds like to me is you should get into the blogging business...

Zack Martin said...

You are so out numbered on this topic that I can't even believe you think anyone will take you seriously. By implication you are saying that ALL of illumina's clientele must suck, since I haven't heard of anyone truthfully getting satisfactory service. Contractual obligations were not executed faithfully as promised at the point of sale. That is the beef here. Not that anyone feels cheated because they didn't get famous. Funny you would say this many people suck though.....just funny John..nothing else.

Dale Roberts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

All I can say is that I wish I had googled Illumina Records before going through with their scam! I wish I had read this blog BEFORE giving them 150 dollars! Apparently from what I read in these blogs is that most other people payed anywhere from 300 to 600 dollars in the past! That is awful! Anyways, here is my story to add to everyone else's story. I hope it will help inform the

I am a pastor at a local congregation. I typically use my talents in church every Sunday for the glory of God. Singing songs of praise and worship to our God, leading the congregation to join in. I have been doing this for 10 years. I also am in a gospel rock band called Where Are the Nine (, and we primarily use our music as a way of sharing a positive message and our faith with the world outside of the church. It is very typical for us to support good causes, especially the ones that pertain to our faith. We thrive on this, so much so that it is more important than money or fame. At the same time we recognize the need for money to keep things going, and we recognize the need for popularity so that our message can spread. So when we see a chance we tend to take it. And that is why we fell for this scam.

We initially got contacted the same way every other band does, through myspace, with the usual 'candy' that lured us in, such as "We loved your song 'Father Speak To Me' and feel that it would be good song for our NH rock compilation album". blah, blah, blah.... However, the thing that most lured us in was "for a good cause" which really had us hooked. The Ground Control Drunk Driving Campaign just seemed like such a good idea, and the thought of being on a
compilation album with our song to help with this cause seemed to good to be true. Not to mention their promise of all the promotional work they would do on
our behalf, and the myspace page they would create, etc, etc, etc. So we took a nibble of their bait, and so I gave them a call to find out more.

I spoke with a very nice woman who said she was new to the record company, her name was Heather M, and she informed me of all the details. I was skeptical, and should have gone with my gut instinct when she mentioned 150 dollars to get on the album, but I listened as she explained that it was a 'no brainer' when we get our promised 15 hard copy cds of the compilation that we could easily turn around and sell at our shows for 10 dollars a piece to make our money back. Plus, we still get all the free advertisement on top of it, and she reminded me that it
was 'for a good cause'. It seemed like it was legitimate, but then I asked some pretty good questions just to make sure.... "Can I pay through Paypal?" She seemed really amazed that I didn't want to just give her my credit card number over the phone, because all the bands in the past paid that way. I felt like I outsmarted her by opting for the safe payment method as I thought to yself "just
in case this is some kind of credit card scam". Then I asked another important question. I asked "Can I get all this in writing" and surprisingly she said 'sure' and emailed me the contract. I told her I would read it over with the band and discuss it with them before making my decision, and then call her back
and let her know. She waited. The band scratched their heads a bit, and skeptically (like me) went for it. "What to lose?" we thought, "We have a contract with the promised cds, and promotional promises, and we're paying with
paypal....and it's all for a good cause!" I called her back and hooked up with her email address for the paypal, faxed the contract, and made the payment. Done deal. "I can always sue them" I thought to myself, "if something goes bad....because I have the contract, the emails, and the paypal receipt!" Now we just wait to see what comes of all this....

Unknown said...

That was back in June of 2009. I was sent MANY emails from them throughout that month.....of course requesting all the details of our band, pictures, the mp3 of
the song, our band logo, and also information about our thoughts about drunk driving to put on their promotional pictures. Then there was endless emails sent to me regarding joining their LAUNCH program which I ignored, and endless 'proof' emails of how Ground Control has succeeded for so many bands in the past......especially a lot of emails showing bands getting their story in the local newspapers and on myspace. Towards July I received confirmations that they
got everything, and I started receiving 'promise' emails that our cd was being worked on and the promotional aspects were getting completed. I received a cool
html code that was for our website that showed a generic cd cover saying 'coming soon: nh rock compilation to save lives' with links that led to Illumina Records
and Ground Control. I received emails from Nicole Van E regarding an upcoming gig at 1 Loudstreet that we could potentially play at when all was said and done. I also received another email with a link to our Electronic Press Kit that Illumina Records designed for us, along with html code for us to post a link to it off of our website. I thought to myself "this wasn't in the contract" but I checked it out and it actually looked pretty good! So I posted it on our website thinking "Hey, this looks really professional". I then sent emails to them wondering how much longer I would have to wait to get my hard copy cds. I was told that it shouldn't be much longer, possibly around September at the latest, which was about a month later than I was initially told when I paid the 150 dollars. I thought to myself "Ok, probably some other band is taking awhile to get all their stuff together". So we patiently waited for our hard copy cds.

In August, my wife and I had our first baby girl, and so as you can imagine I didn't have much time to go chasing down record company people for my cds. August came and went, September came and went. Still no cds. In October I thought I should try calling them, and no one answered. So I left a polite message, and asked them to call me back. I also sent an email, but no response. At the end of October I made another phone call, this time to a different number, I think it was Nicole's, and again left a message, but this time a more concerned message....'Hello? Anybody gonna return my calls? I'm still waiting for my cds....a call back would be I need to take further action? Call me please!' I also sent another email, with the attached Paypal receipt saying 'Don't forget I paid for 15 hard copy cds, and I have it in the contract...." Still no response. October went by, and now it is November. I decided to do some searching online for some answers, and when I googled Illumina Records I found my answer. I found this site, and I realize now that it was all a SCAM! Deceit and greed all under the mask of "a good cause" and so called "great opportunity" for a struggling band. The terms of the contract have still not been met.

Unknown said...

My final thought is this "Well, to heck with the 150 dollars, it's not worth wasting our valuable time over.......and I'm not gonna bend over backwards to get the cds either..........because why do I want to hand out those cds to anyone else, even if they somehow sound great, when I know that Illumina Records is going to have their name promoted all over it?" "And what good does it do us now to tell everyone we did this for a good cause, when doing so will also continue to promote the scam agency to others?" "The pictures, the Electronic Press Kit, and everything else is now GARBAGE to us!" We can only hope that the 150 dollars, by some very slim chance, has actually gone towards helping raise awareness about drunk driving that it might save a life. And thanks to this blog, and many others that I have discovered, I will let our scam story be made known, with the thought that perhaps our Lord Jesus Christ has allowed us to go through this horrible dilemma to simply contribute to the cause of putting an end to these scamsters and destroy their evil works, and perhaps save a few uninformed struggling musicians at the same time.

Lord Jesus, have your way with these evil people, and have your way with this situation. I pray for protection for other bands in the future, and I pray that you would restore double what the greedy theif has stolen from so many innocent people! Amen.

harry broker said...

Wanted to let you know, that I made a note on and about 4 years ago. They are still posted there.
Also. are a new breed of legal rip-offs. Read that on both of Point is, if any real record deal, major or indie, has interest in your material, you will not and should not, put even a penny up front. A danger warning to many of us aspired musicians... Please, not one penny.Never use independent A&R idiots either, that are not connected to a record label, they are out to get ye money, that is all!
Thanks for reading. I am glad, many are making great remarks about these ripp-off clowns.

Email me for any questions you may have?

You guys want attention? Admit your copy righted songs to for free and let the people in the world vote for you, while sitting at home behind your computer. I did, and won first prize in 2007, and Third prize at,

Read all my stuff with posted links at:

harry broker said...

Hey, you sweet talking Illumina folks. You guys can preach as much as you want. But remember, no matter what fairy tales you write about your Boss....never...and I mean....never ever, rip people's money off up front! Then we'll listen, What happen with that drunk driven cause? Have not seen one lousy compilation drunk album on the shelf in any stores, nor web sites! Keep sweet guys chose a cult instead of a religion...AMEN! That also counts for the rip-off morons called

Now.....look what I finally got?

Now, those people are for eal.

Follow their samples, if you people are for real! I did not pay one penny up front, signed a record deal with them.

Stop ripping our hard working unsigned musicians off! Bottom line is rip off, and stop sweet talking these VP's of rip-off record deals, LLC

harry broker said...

One more thing. Year 2003.
My demo song was suggested out of the 3 songs to invest $3500.00 in a complete master recording production. Again I submitted my song to, of course another fee for review and again denied, besides my $300.yearly fee.
Year 2007 came around and I won 1st. in Rock Category and 3rd. in Songwriting Category.( End of year 2009 came around and received many offers. I took Deka Records out of Mayfair, London, England. Because they put you out to promote you. Not words, but action! There philosophy fits us musicians, with no fairy tales about Snow White and the 7 Idiots. Small Indie label, but with high hopes. That same song that put down, is now played by many radio stations in Europe, at this time. Comes to show, that these bastards, are only out for the money. If anyone, like Illumina calls themselves a record company and make false promises, to find a major label for you? Trust me, a record company never promise you a major label contract. Cause they commercialize as a record company..confusing, huh? Illumina is a total fake image, out to screw you of every penny, you may have. I mean, this Blog is number one in Google, does that mean something to us unsigned musicians? Then learn something from it, put your hard earned money were your mouth is.


harry broker said...

Illumina folks, this is my new legit label. I can tell they are real, cause many artist on that label has told me so, thru their private channels. I like their contract, and I changed it 3 times, as they still agreed on it. Please change you label to, Illuminate Rip-Off The Innocence, why rob a difficult? Before the computer age, we had idiots like you, hiding behind P.O. Boxes.....

harry broker said...

O.K. Illumina Records. Look at your title of your company. You commercialize yourself as an indie
record label.Why jiving people to send them 50 CD's with lousy quality recording of your artists, while they can print their own CD's locally, without your name on it for the same price of 200 cd's?
For A&R Select? You guys are not in the running, so is Never, ever.. have I heard of independent A&R, not connected to a record label. Is like comparing a surgeon to a car mechanic.... It speaks for itself, you guys don't even scratch the surface.
Here is your job description Illumina CEO:
1. Your A&R Scouts for talent. Once talent is found, your offer should at least have the following....
a) This contract may be cancelled in writing anytime the artists see fit,
b) You have to promote that artist by any means of a one year contract offer, were the company spends a min. of $ 15K at labels discretion. Your company will promote their music through radio, satellite radio, internet radio, print advertising, press release as well as street teams.
2.) Advance: An advance of $75K will be given after the first record has sold ten thousand units. This will be the artist's option to release a second record under your company. The advance comes from your investment group.
3.) Release: The Recording shall be completed and prepared for release and distribution within 90 to 120 days of signing the contract.
Your company is responsible to organize a limited of 25 touring dates were your artist will open up for major name artist. All transportation and lodging is paid by your record company. Each show will be paid a minimum of $ 2500.00 to $ 10,000.00,

Distribution should be available for the whole world through various distribution outlets.
Royalties should be discussed prior to signing the contract. Artist has all rights to change your form contract procedures, before signing the final print.
Now, I can go on and on, but the basics are here for you to show us all, how legal you guys really are?
Please don't try to find them a major label, it only downgrades the meaning of your so called record company. Cause you ARE the record company.
With this information, all of you guys inserts coming from your office are really, blah-blah-blah...and it shows no real meaning. Where you guys all intern? Good, cause then they brain wash you the way they wanted to make you please avoid posting more of those Santa Claus request letters. What I wrote here, is what a real record company offers...if not better. Another note: The advance the artist gets, needs to be paid back by sales of the records and paid back by doing concerts. Distribution is done either on line, and/or physical CD's in the stores, like Wal-Mart and Best Buy.That is how the real game is played.
Yes, you may contact me at:

harry broker said...

Again, if you guys want us to stop slander and bully your staff, CEO and company...then do the right thing and let someone make your label big. Like Bon Jovi did with Jef Dem Records and Madonna with Island Records. You need help to make your label grow, then treat your signed up artists like it should be. They will make your label big. Stop this stupid crap with Ground Control to Major Tom, you stole that from David Bowie. There is no ground control to nothing. Either you work for UNICEF, or get ye shit together and act like a record company.

And again, please don't ask you new signed up artist for up front money? We all know, you will be shopping K-Mart with it and the hell with doing anything for them?

If not......? Best thing is to rob a bank...but you are to scared in getting caught, so let's do it small an get us innocent hard working people? U should be ashamed....CEO and brainwashing your interns. What are you trying to do, start a new CULT?....
Sample: No one heard of Big Machine Records? Well, Taylor Swift made that small label worldwide...just a sample, Mr. CEO.

Have a nice Easter.....

aquablauw said...

The song, "Thirsty For Your Love", is ready to download on March 02, 2010 at:

Under the CD-Cover of "aquablauw"

Now, Illumina Records, A&R-Select with no connection to a record company, ripoff.LLC, let this be a lesson to ye all, not to screw your clients that may possible make you rich, the legal way! Remember? Rascal Flatts did with Lyric Street Records?
For, this song going big time, has been rejected by you clowns several times, after collecting much money from me.

Dale Roberts said...

Illumina Records will create material s for you. The problem is they never actually distro them as they promise in their contracts. They will generate graphics for you, but they use the same graphics for everyone they work with. Its nothing original really. I was supposed to be one of their main artists last year. They never could meet any deadlines..This label is a scam. I am a national artist with a huge fanbase.

Don't get involved with Illumina Records.

Google my name R.A.B.S. Or RABS and type Illumina after it. I was supposed to be their "Michigan Hip Hop Spokesperson". I gave them numerous chances to fulfill their end of our deal. They never did anything for me.

The funny thing is now they are STILL using me in there materials, websites, myspaces, and blogs. I have no connection to them whatsoever, and we told Ron we didn't want our materials used any longer. I was gonna just go to their offices and have a face to face with them. That day is still coming...So Ron we will be seeing you soon.

My story is long and I have all of our phone calls recorded, every email they sent me (even Ron Ballenti)sending emails to me. I don't really need the money as much as they need to be taught a lesson. Bottom line someones gonna teach that lesson sooner than Ron thinks.

harry broker said...

Dale Roberts,

I am so sorry, that you had to go through, like many others... They are so cheap, that they will never be caught, due to the fact, that they know, that you and I can not afford lawyers to put this clown behind bars. He stays low key to, that is why. Why robbing a bank? That is to cowardice for him, so he brainwashes fresh interns, to do his dirty work, and interns don't get a dime in earnings.... Simple way. Anyone getting offers which cost money? All they have to do is google the name(s). And the answet is clear and simple!
The rest explains by itself, that I already posted! Thank you Dale for reporting!

metal said...

Ron Bellanti has lost an $85,000.00 law suit against him by a former employee for sexual harassment. Before you sign up for anything to do with Illumina Records and its off shoots, be warned of the kind of person you are dealing with.

silentpaul said...

Dale, if you go to the Illumina offices, they're located directly across the street from the Beverly Police Department. Take a cop along with you.

aquablauw said...

Yep, crazy is it not? Right across the Police Station? They have balls, I have to agree!

satanslandlady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
satanslandlady said...

Illumina Records now goes under the name Esente

aquablauw said...

Yep, I knew that was coming, change the name, but the same vicious people behind the major joke. Now Deka Records. They seem to do better, in ripping people off big time. Their projects and plans are so real, that Santa Claus even gets jealous! These guys goes by ripping each artist off, of a so called $1000.00 per person investment, and they'll never see it ever back again. Follow this link for more of my information posted!
They got their education at their Federal University of Leavensworth, Kansas Prison! These guys are more sophisticated

Anonymous said...

I am a current graphic design intern at Esente Music Group, and I can tell you that it is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. I applied through craiglist and got an email asking me to come in a for a interview. At the beginning of the "interview", the president Ron Bellanti told me and others there we had the job, so it ended up being more like an information session. He never mentioned Ground Control, Illumina Records, or anything about his sexual harassment suit which really shows a lot about the personalities of the paid employees. He did mention how he gave people "Lawrence" beat downs when he was young which sent people to the hospital(intimidation tactic?, unprofessional at a minimum). He also discussed how he hates Obama and is a Mitt Romney loving republican(political opinions in an interview?). Furthermore, he mentioned On Point which he described as a "straight" company not involved in the music industry that works with Esente Music Group in the same office. This threw up a red flag for me because essentially both are only run by one person each and interns. At this point, I thought we would be creating compilation Cd's for charity.

I just want to say that I don't believe they are doing anything illegal. Shady, maybe, but illegal no. If they have a non-profit 50c3 status and are using it to avoid taxes, then yes that is illegal. Illumina records does have a D- rating on the BBB though, not a good sign.

To anyone using/thinking about hiring Esente Music Group or OnPoint, just know that unpaid interns will be creating whatever you are paying for.

Look, I'm not trying to say that Esente Music Group is a bad company, but potential interns just need to be aware of what they are getting themselves into. It is essentially a boiler room selling hopes and dreams. Interns are not told everything right up front, and if you are expecting a professional operation think twice about taking it. Esente Music Group has a clean reputation, but I personally question its relationship with illumina records and Ground Control being as they are all owned by the same person! The connection with OnPoint is also questionable at best.

Ron Bellanti also heavily embellishes his own career in the music business, as it is very easy to do so with college students who don't know much about it.20 years in the music business, could mean anything including buying CD's for twenty years. His numerous photos and articles are all extremely local, and many of newspapers I have never even heard of.

I'm really not sure what their business model is, or how they make their money now, but I assure you it is coming in somehow. I personally believe that using Anti-drunk driving or anti-bullying propaganda to promote artists is like using terrorism to get public support for a war in Iraq, just immoral.

Anonymous said...

Also consider the connection of this

Ron Bellanti owns/owned a non-profit named Arrive Alive?

Anonymous said...

and this

Unknown said...

If you like working with racists Mr Bellanti is the right guy for you. He has stated on FB that black people are a lower life form and ALL black people should be put down. He has also been adjudicated a sexual harasser with a side order of stalking. So if you’re looking to do business with a full blown racist the. Mr Bellanti and Illumina is the right place for young